Get code result automatically

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Erkan Karaoglu
Erkan Karaoglu 2021-6-25
I wrote this code. But I could not run this system automatically. How can I print the X and Y coordinate results and get the result automatically.
clc; clear all
I=imread('Tuzak.jpg'); %Reading Image
gray=im2gray(I); %Converting RGB Image to Grayscale
J = imnoise(gray,'salt & pepper',0.01);
K = medfilt2(J);
title("Original Image")
% gray2=imadjust(gray);
figure; imhist(K) %Checking the histogram of the gray Image
title("Grayscale Histogram")
Binary = im2bw(gray,0.8); %Creating Binary Image with Threshold Value
% figure, imshowpair(Binary_2,Binary,"montage"),title("Grayscale vs Binary") %Showing Grayscale and Binary Photos
Binary=uint8(Binary); %Converting the Binary Photo to uint8 style to change matrix values
Binary(Binary>0) = 255; %Changing the black and white colours
Result=I+Binary; %We know that sum of the matrix value and 255 give us 255. Therefore we can use it.
Result(Result==255)=0; %Then changing black and white places again
% figure,imshow(Result) %Showing the result
se = strel('disk',1); %Creating a pattern to dilation
BW22 = imdilate(Binary,se); %Dilation to selected panels to see lines more smooth
text1='As seen, the image looks more clear with dilation.';
position1 = [5 60];
RGB_1 = insertText(Result_2,position1,text1,'FontSize',15);%Implementing the text to image
% figure,imshow(Result) %Showing the result
figure, imshowpair(Result,RGB_1,"montage"),title("Before Dilation vs After Dilation")
%As seen, the image looks more clear with dilation
afteropening=imopen(BW22,se); %It fills the holes
afterclosing=imclose(afteropening,se); %Deletes the small noises
[L,num]=bwlabel(afterclosing,4); %Taking number of the panels
position2 = [1 50];
text2 = ['There are ',num2str(num),' solar panels which not work.'];
RGB_2 = insertText(Result_2,position2,text2,'FontSize',18);%Implementing the text to image
figure, imshow(RGB_2)
xy = input('X ve Y koordinatlarını giriniz = : ')
x = xy(1)
y = xy(2)
if 0 < x && x < 58 && y < 120
uiwait(msgbox('1. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 0 < x && x < 58 && y > 120
uiwait(msgbox('16. Panel Arızalı'))
if 58 < x && x < 118 && y < 118
uiwait(msgbox('2. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 58 < x && x < 118 && y > 118
uiwait(msgbox('17. Panel Arızalı'))
if 118 < x && x < 179 && y < 118
uiwait(msgbox('3. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 118 < x && x < 179 && y > 118
uiwait(msgbox('18. Panel Arızalı'))
if 179 < x && x < 238 && y < 113
uiwait(msgbox('4. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 179 < x && x < 238 && y > 113
uiwait(msgbox('19. Panel Arızalı'))
if 247 < x && x < 306 && y < 111
uiwait(msgbox('5. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 247 < x && x < 306 && y > 111
uiwait(msgbox('20. Panel Arızalı'))
if 306 < x && x < 371 && y < 106
uiwait(msgbox('6. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 306 < x && x < 371 && y > 106
uiwait(msgbox('21. Panel Arızalı'))
if 371 < x && x < 434 && y < 106
uiwait(msgbox('7. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 371 < x && x < 434 && y > 106
uiwait(msgbox('22. Panel Arızalı'))
if 434 < x && x < 498 && y < 101
uiwait(msgbox('8. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 434 < x && x < 498 && y > 101
uiwait(msgbox('23. Panel Arızalı'))
if 498 < x && x < 566 && y < 101
uiwait(msgbox('9. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 498 < x && x < 566 && y > 101
uiwait(msgbox('24. Panel Arızalı'))
if 566 < x && x < 629 && y < 94
uiwait(msgbox('10. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 566 < x && x < 629 && y > 94
uiwait(msgbox('25. Panel Arızalı'))
if 629 < x && x < 697 && y < 94
uiwait(msgbox('11. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 629 < x && x < 697 && y > 94
uiwait(msgbox('26. Panel Arızalı'))
if 697 < x && x < 765 && y < 91
uiwait(msgbox('12. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 697 < x && x < 765 && y > 91
uiwait(msgbox('27. Panel Arızalı'))
if 765 < x && x < 831 && y < 89
uiwait(msgbox('13. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 765 < x && x < 831 && y > 89
uiwait(msgbox('28. Panel Arızalı'))
if 848 < x && x < 911 && y < 86
uiwait(msgbox('14. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 848 < x && x < 911 && y > 86
uiwait(msgbox('29. Panel Arızalı'))
if 911 < x && x < 979 && y < 91
uiwait(msgbox('15. Panel Arızalı'))
elseif 911 < x && x < 979 && y > 91
uiwait(msgbox('30. Panel Arızalı'))

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