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i need a m-file of this quastion

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elili 2013-9-16
a communication channel between the input and output without noise y_n=∑_(l=0)^(L-1)▒〖f_l x_(n-l) 〗 Which vector y_n=F_(1×L)^' X_(L×1) .
find a Vector E_(M×1) as a balancing mechanism so as the sum of the squares Detection error is minimized.
x_n^^=∑_(m=0)^(M-1)▒〖e_m x_(n-m)
J_E=(x_n^^-x_n)'A_(n×m) (x_n^^-x_n) , A=I_m
A) Find the equation squared error by balancing mechanism.
B) Calculating the derivative of JE in terms of E and putting it equal to zero to find the value of E

回答(1 个)

Simon 2013-9-16
Do you really expect others here at Matlab Answers to do your work???


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