How to change order for different filters?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have 2 questions:
  • I have an audio file and I am doing signal processing over that audio file such a passing it though various filters. But I wanted to change order of those filters at my own will. How can I do that?


Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-7-7
Those functions have a second output, the digitalFilter object. Return that and all the information you want about the type of filter and the order will be available.
Example —
s = rand(1, 5000);
Fs = 1000;
fpass = 50;
[sfilt,df] = lowpass(s, fpass, Fs, 'ImpulseResponse','iir');
df =
digitalFilter with properties: Coefficients: [3×6 double] Specifications: FrequencyResponse: 'lowpass' ImpulseResponse: 'iir' SampleRate: 1000 PassbandRipple: 0.1000 StopbandAttenuation: 60 PassbandFrequency: 50 StopbandFrequency: 120.6500 DesignMethod: 'ellip' Use fvtool to visualize filter Use designfilt to edit filter Use filter to filter data
  12 个评论
Giggs B.
Giggs B. 2021-7-9
Got it, I was able to use the filters this way. Thanks :)


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