How to re-use parameter from other script?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, this is my script so far:
function sens_analysis
par = re;
s_nom_ss = P(length(time),7);
delta = 0.05;
par = par*(1+delta);
s_pert_ss = P(length(time),7);
abs_sens = (s_pert_ss - s_nom_ss)/(delta*re);
rel_sens = abs_sens*(re_value/s_nom_ss);
I get this error: 'Undefined function or variable 're'.
Error in sens_analysis_re (line 8) par = re;'
But re is defined by user input when pdemeshpop_final_re_sens is called. How can I have it so that re is passed onto this function/script as well? Thanks!
  1 个评论
Dejan Cvijanovic
Dejan Cvijanovic 2013-9-18
I also need to pass par back to pedmeshpop_final_re_sens_par , so it needs to recognize par too



Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013-9-18
make your script a function
function re=pdemeshpop_final_re_sens
  2 个评论
Dejan Cvijanovic
Dejan Cvijanovic 2013-9-18
I don't think you understand my question. When script is run, user inputs value for 're' and pdemeshpop_final_re_sens runs...i then want to save par as re 'par = re;'...then par is passed to pdemeshpop_final_re_sens_par ....hope that makes sense
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013-9-18
I've understood your question. If you want to pass re in your function. add to your script pdemeshpop_final_re_sens
function re=pdemeshpop_final_re_sens
save your file then in your function function sens_analysis, replace


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