Exporting Matlab trained CNN model to ONNX Problem

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I exported CNN .mat file to .onnx using exportONNXNetwork function so I can use it with tensorflow-lite for android use.
The ONNX model now has an input size shape of 3 x 224 x 224 (when I visualize the model using Netron - image attached) instead of 224 x 224 x 3 (Matlab model architecture) :
error : The input tensor should have dimensions 1 x height x width x 3. Got 1 x 3 x 224 x 224.
Is there any solution to fix this problem so i can use the CNN onnx model for image classification prediction in tflite?
p.s: I think that all the layers dimensionality are inversed not only the input layer shape.
Thank you!

回答(1 个)

Sutanu Maiti
Sutanu Maiti 2021-8-5
MATLAB trained CNN models and be exported and saved as a .mat and can directly be used for deploymnet on Android device by using "Simulink support package for Android devices".
You may have a look at the example below:


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