How to display two dataset comparison in one map graph?

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Hello guys, I have two 100*100 matrix and I have to display them in one single Europe map graph with comparison. but I don't know how to do that and I have a deadline today. please guys help me to do this. thank you in advance


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-7-13
Try imshowpair() or imfuse().

更多回答(1 个)

Chunru 2021-7-13
With the same map region, you can plot the difference of data.
lat = linspace(10, 20, 11);
lon = linspace(5, 15, 11);
[latg, long] = meshgrid(lat, lon);
data1 = randn(length(lat), length(lon));
data2 = randn(length(lat), length(lon));
geoshow(latg, long, data2-data1, 'DisplayType', 'surface')


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