The error 'Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters.', is coming up for line 30
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% anyone see my issue? this is my line 30, 150..:
here line 31 how can I fix?
plot3 (areaX, areay, ( (areaX+areay) *O)); hold on
plot3 (areaX, areay, ( (area+area) *0)+3.5); hold on
plot3 ([areaX; areaX], [areaY; areaY], ( (areaX+areaY)*0):((areaX+areaY)*0)+3.5), 'g');
0 个评论
Walter Roberson
plot3 ([areaX; areaX], [areaY; areaY], ( (areaX+areaY)*0):((areaX+areaY)*0)+3.5), 'g');
1 2 3 2 1 23 2 1 0 !
You have one more ) than you have (
3 个评论
Walter Roberson
plot ([user (nu) . X + user (nu) . VX 1, [user (nu) . Y+user (nu) .VY1,
That code has five ( but four ) . It has two [ but no ] . It abruptly ends after a comma.
Also there are lines where you call ploc3 instead of plot3
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