Hi Mukesh,
The provided data can be used to create three sets of points: green, purple, and red.
I ensured that the points form a closed shape, typically by setting the final value as the first value:
function points = ensure_closed(points)
if points(:,1) ~= points(:,end)
points(:,end+1) = points(:,1);
Next, we need to determine the shape of the curve using splines. Here, I used a specific number of points(adjust for smoothness) to be generated along the expected spline:
function splinePoints = interpolateShape(shape, numPoints)
t = linspace(1, length(shape), length(shape));
tt = linspace(1, length(shape), numPoints);
xx = spline(t, shape(1,:), tt);
yy = spline(t, shape(2,:), tt);
splinePoints = [xx; yy];
Once you have the splines for all three sets, we can interpolate between each pair to get the interpolated curves between them:
function interpolateBetweenShapes(shape1, shape2, numInterpolations)
colors = jet(numInterpolations); % Colormap for interpolated shapes
for i = 1:numInterpolations
alpha = i / (numInterpolations + 1);
interpolatedShape = (1-alpha) * shape1 + alpha * shape2;
plot(interpolatedShape(1,:), interpolatedShape(2,:), '-', 'Color', colors(i,:), 'LineWidth', 1.5);
I plotted the result for the green and purple points, and this results in:
Similarly, we can generate the data between the other set of points.