read data send from zigbee

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
ala 2013-10-3
评论: ala 2013-10-5
Hi all i am working on matlab code to transfer image from my computer to another using ZigBee coneccted by usb port can any one help me pleas how can i read data from zigbee to matlab


David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-10-3
ZigBee uses a serial protocol. Just create an serial object and read the input buffer.
read the serial documentation to create the serial object:
doc serial
  1 个评论
ala 2013-10-5
thanks alot i did not expect to use serial port commands to get USB port, but when i used s1 = serial('COM1'); the i set the BaudRate but the resulted port Status is "closed", while the device is connected then i used Open(s1), but matlab show the message" failed: Port: COM1 is not available. No ports are available. Use INSTRFIND to determine if other instrument objects are connected to the requested device." then i used INSTRFIND it show : Index: Type: Status: Name: 1 serial closed Serial-COM1 can you pleas tell where i did wrong. thanks again for your help


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