APP Design : variable form callback(1) to be used in callback(2)

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Hello Everybody
I am creating an APP in AppDesigner.
There is different callback. the first create a vector A. A is defined in Propertie ; app.A.
Then I would like to use A in an other callback to create A(2,:). But when Callback2 is run, Matlab told me that A doesn't exist...
The solution I have is to save A in callback1 and then load in calback2, but it's really heavy...
Do you have an idea


Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2021-8-13
How are you calling A in callback1 and callback2? This should work if
  1. A is defined as an app property
  2. You reference A using app.A in your callbacks (e.g. in callback2, app.A(2,:) = ...)

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