Is there some function in Matlab with which I can dilate only a small ROI in the image?
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Is there some function in Matlab with which I can dilate only a small ROI in the image?
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David Young
It would be helpful to know how the ROI is defined, and whether it is rectangular or some other shape.
回答(1 个)
Brett Shoelson
Actually, it doesn't really matter how the ROI is defined, nor what shape it is. The function roifilt2 makes it easy. Here's a code snippet that will allow you to define a freehand ROI, and then dilate the image only within the selected ROI.
img = imread('coins.png');
roi = imfreehand;
mask = roi.createMask;
func = @(x) imdilate(x,strel('disk',10));
partiallyDilated = roifilt2(img,mask,func);
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