Problem 1649. Magic - Faro Shuffle

The Faro shuffle is the perfect interweaving of cards. Quiz: How many Faro's returns a standard 52 deck to its start? Fifty four cards require 52 shuffles while 64 cards requires only 6 shuffles.

This challenge is to return the vectors of shuffle results until the original sequence is re-created.

Input: N (number of cards-even; start sequence 1:N)

Output: deck (Array of cards created by the Faro shuffles)

Example: N=4, deck= [1 3 2 4;1 2 3 4]

N=8, deck=[1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8;1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8;1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]

Code Exclusions: regexp, str2num (enforced if necessary)

Solution Stats

13.38% Correct | 86.62% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Mar 22, 2023

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