


If you were EXTREMELY wealthy, would you still work?

Yes, in my company that I own
Yes, for someone else (or Univ.)
Only for free, for charities
Only in my charitable foundation
No, I'd just play, travel, & relax
15668 个投票

truong van
truong van 2023-11-22
should be used for normal operation
George Gerdes
George Gerdes 2023-10-18
Would still work
En mi opinión si ya eres rico. Lo mejor que puedes hacer es ayudar a los más necesitados.
Al final quien recompensará las buenas obras será DIOS todo poderoso por sobre todo.
Patrick Faulkner
Patrick Faulkner 2023-10-5
I like working for others honestly. First of all, it makes my paycheck secure with minimal work. While working at a company can be tough or stressful, figuring out what will be profitable in the future and creating it from scratch now takes far more talent and energy in my opinion. There's a lot of freedom in owning your own company, but there's also a ton of effort keeping it afloat year after year.
Plus I find that, when I can quit my job the moment I want to (because I don't need the job to be okay in life), even stressful jobs become infinitely more bearable. I've done this with retail jobs before, having a second job for extra cash means you don't have to put up with anything. If you wanna quit, you can just up and quit and not stress over anything.
Amjad 2023-10-5
I would prefer to establish a research based engineering and a medical university free for all who got admitted on merit basis. I would also establish a skill development center for the deprived, uneducated and poor females of our country, where they will be provided skills, raw material, hansome amount for their expenses, and also free eduction and health for thie children. I would establish a world class sports complex where healthy sports complex and traing free for all.
Musa 2023-9-17 (编辑时间:2023-9-17)
I work to maintain my daily needs/bills which I think is not an issue for EXTREMELY wealthy people.
The real stress will be to remain wealthy & secure it for my bloodline (at least 10th generation to come).
burgers2562 2023-8-21
you biased the results . you have 4 options that are for working and 1 option for not working, and the not-working option says "just play" which cause moral reaction by responders to not choose it.
DGM 2023-8-22 (编辑时间:2023-8-22)
You're free to propose a set of responses that you feel would have been more appropriate -- particularly, any one you might have chosen yourself. This is all rather informal anyway.
  • I'd play video games all day
  • I'd sleep all day
  • I'd travel the world
  • I'd collect all the rare things
  • I'd read all the books
  • I'd go to the gym and get super ripped
  • I'd become a main character on Twitter
  • I'd obtain majority share of TMW and make them implement my ideas
Bear in mind, the question was specifically about whether you'd work or not, so I think it's kind of understandable that there's only one catch-all case for "not work".
IIRC, I'm pretty sure these polls only allow a limited number of choices and the description lengths are short, so they're rarely going to be comprehensive and specific.
Eren Berk Karabulut
Eren Berk Karabulut 2023-8-21
Become Bruce Wayne
Igor Izyurov
Igor Izyurov 2023-8-11
I would organize a perfect eeg lab and do any research I wish without all these grant sumissions, fitting the requirements of Ethic Comission and waiting months for the ordering department of university to process my request of electrode gel!
...wait, haven't Ilon musk done that already in Neuralink???
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023-8-1
To clarify, would you :
  1. Have your own company (perhaps with employees or perhaps it's just you), and work only for that?
  2. Work at a University doing research (on whatever you want or on contracts granted by companies or government agencies) or work for some other company (that you don't own) pulling in a paycheck for that work?
  3. Work only by volunteering your time and skills to a variety of your favorite charities?
  4. Work only at your own family foundation (like Bill Gates works for the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation), donating/distributing out funds to worthwhile charities.
  5. Basically not work. Just do whatever you want whenever you want, be it watching TV, reading, gardening, traveling, doing hobbies (golf, woodworking, bicycling, cards, fishing, etc.), or some other fun but non-paid activity.
If you would do multiple of those, just pick the one that you'd spend the bulk of your time doing.
DGM 2023-7-29 (编辑时间:2023-7-29)
If you were an imaginary person whose tastes are completely foreign to you, would you still like waffles?
  • Yes, but only if they are blueberry.
  • No, absolutely not.
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2023-12-1
This is literally impossible to answer. I am extremely wealthy, by the standards of some people, and totally impoverished by other standards. That can be said of everyone who might respond to this poll. The descriptor "extremely wealthy" is a relative measure, totally subjective. It may even be a descriptor that is typically only applied to someone else.
Do I work? Did I ever work? Well, yes. And no. Even that is subjective, though I no longer drive to a 9-5 job, I still work to provide for my family, to insure that all are happy and comfortable as much as I can. And I still work at doing mathematics as I have time. But when I was gainfully employed as a mathematician, was that even work? Or was it just play? Even that is a gray area, since working at doing something you love could easily be called play.

