

Hi all,
I'm working on quite some time to improve the code which I've written for better visualization of A0 mode. In my code everything looks good even I'm able to track the properties of the wave like out-of-plane and in-plane displacement but it is only evident and observable only at the extreme edges of the x (defined window). I'm attaching my code below. Any idea will be greatly appreciated. I'm also attaching the link of reference video which I'm trying to achieve or atleast anything close to it.
"freq = 2.5; %% KHz
Cpasym = 2.8953; %%phase velocity
d = 1; %% thickness of AL plate
Cl = 6.350; %% longitudnal velocity in the Al
Ct = 3.130; %% transverse velocity in the AL
zrange = -0.5:0.01:0.5;
shape = zeros(length(zrange),3);
for i = 1:length(zrange)
z = zrange(i);
shape(i,1) = z;
%% Mode shape in plane
Uasym = (2*pi*freq/Cpasym)*((sinh(sqrt(1/Cpasym^2-1/Cl^2)*2*pi*freq*z)/cosh(sqrt(1/Cpasym^2-1/Cl^2)*2*pi*freq*0.5*d))-(2*((2*pi*freq)^2*(1/Cpasym^2-1/Cl^2)^0.5*(1/Cpasym^2-1/Ct^2)^0.5)/((2/Cpasym^2-1/Ct^2)*(2*pi*freq)^2))*(sinh(sqrt(1/Cpasym^2-1/Ct^2)*2*pi*freq*z)/cosh(sqrt(1/Cpasym^2-1/Ct^2)*2*pi*freq*0.5*d)));
%% Mode shape out of plane
Wasym = (sqrt(1/Cpasym^2-1/Cl^2)*2*pi*freq)*((cosh(sqrt(1/Cpasym^2-1/Cl^2)*2*pi*freq*z)/cosh(sqrt(1/Cpasym^2-1/Cl^2)*2*pi*freq*0.5*d))-(2*(2*pi*freq/Cpasym)^2/((2/Cpasym^2-1/Ct^2)*(2*pi*freq)^2))*(cosh(sqrt(1/Cpasym^2-1/Ct^2)*2*pi*freq*z)/cosh(sqrt(1/Cpasym^2-1/Ct^2)*2*pi*freq*0.5*d)));
shape(i,2) = real(Uasym);
shape(i,3) = real(Wasym);
%% Normalizing the Mode shape
shape(:,2) = shape(:,2)/max(abs(shape(:,2)));
shape(:,3) = shape(:,3)/max(abs(shape(:,3)));
tvec = 0:0.01:10;
xvec = 0:0.01:9.5;
[X, Z] = meshgrid(xvec, zrange);
UAsym3D = zeros(length(zrange),length(xvec), length(tvec));
WAsym3D = zeros(length(zrange),length(xvec), length(tvec));
%% propogation governing equation
for i = 1:length(tvec)
for k = 1:length(xvec)
%for j = 1:length(zrange)
Ux = shape(:,2).*sin((2*pi*freq/Cpasym)*xvec(k)-(2*pi*freq*tvec(i)));
UAsym3D(:,k,i) = Ux;
Wz = shape(:,3).*cos((2*pi*freq/Cpasym)*xvec(k)-(2*pi*freq*tvec(i)));
WAsym3D(:,k,i) = Wz;
% Normalize to [-1, 1]
UAsym3DN = UAsym3D / (max(abs(UAsym3D(:))));
WAsym3DN = WAsym3D / (max(abs(WAsym3D(:))));
% Create a VideoWriter object
videoFile = 'wave_motionAsym.avi'; % Output file name
writerObj = VideoWriter(videoFile , 'Motion JPEG AVI');
writerObj.FrameRate = 7; % Frames per second
hFig = figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
axis tight manual;
set(gca, 'NextPlot', 'replacechildren');
title('Resultant Displacement Anti-symmetric(A0) mode');
numTimeSteps = size(UAsym3DN, 3);
frames(numTimeSteps) = struct('cdata',[],'colormap',[]);
% Loop through each time step and create frames
for t = 1:size(UAsym3DN, 3)
% Get displacement at current time step
X_new = X + UAsym3DN(:,:, t); % Extract displacement at time t
Z_new = Z+ WAsym3DN(:,:, t); % Extract displacement at time t
scatter(X_new(:), Z_new(:), 5, 'filled');
%quiver(X(:), Z(:), Usym3DN(:,:, t),Wsym3DN(:,:, t), 'k','LineWidth',1);
xlabel('x'); ylabel('z');
axis([min(xvec)-1 max(xvec)+1 min(zrange)-1 max(zrange)+1]);
axis equal;
grid on;
frame = getframe(gcf);
frames(t) = frame;
writeVideo(writerObj, frame);
% Close the VideoWriter object
disp(['Movie saved as ', videoFile]);
On 27th February María Elena Gavilán Alfonso and I will be giving an online seminar that has been a while in the making. We'll be covering MATLAB with Jupyter, Visual Studio Code, Python, Git and GitHub, how to make your MATLAB projects available to the world (no installation required!) and much much more.
上次活动时间: 2025-2-21,12:59

Hi Engineers,
I need your help to solve this. I am doing Power Systems Simulation Onramp, in that Represent Power Systems Components, @ Task 5, i have completed all the task instructions as mentioned, but not getting the output, i tried several times. kinldy help or suggest
上次活动时间: 2025-2-21,12:58

My full funtion name is function [Y,t] = C2(Y0, dt, T) I have a secondary function dYdt = f_rhs(Y)
x = Y(1);
y = Y(2);
dx_dt = y;
dy_dt = -x + (1 - x^2) .* y;
dYdt = [dx_dt; dy_dt];
I keep geting an error when ever I try and add f_rhs into the code for it to call back on - Unable to define function C2 because it has the same name as the file. Any sugesstions?
Of course
I never tried
16 个投票
Hi Control Experts,
I am designing an LQR controller for a system with time delay. The time delay is likely to be an input delay, but there is no certainty.
I have modelled the system as a continuous-time state space system, and I modelled the time delay with Pade approximation.
  1. I used the pade function in MATLAB to get the Pade transfer function, then I convert into state-space. I augmented the Pade state-space matrices with the state-space matrices of my plant. Am I taking the correct approach?
  2. My Pade approximation is 2nd order, so my state-space system now have 2 additional states. If I use MATLAB lqr function to get the LQR matrix K, what should the weightings of the Pade states be? Should they be set to very low (because we do not care about set point tracking of Pade states) or very high?
  3. Can I get some resources (even university lecture materials) that show how to design LQR for systems with time delays modelled with Pade approximations?
Thank you!
So I have taken the 3D UAV obstacle avoidance example and implemeneted path planning using DDPG on it. My agent learns to take the shortest path by avoiding the obstacle but as soon as I define a reset function and spawning the location of the agent between 2 postions it fails to learn. The main issue is that during a single training it learns to reach the goal from one position and when it is spawned to another location it was trainined on it takes the same path as before. The training for a single position is trained in like 100 to 150 episodes whereas when I spawn to two locations it wont converge ever after 10000 episodes.
I'll share the training curve for the agent being spawned at two locations.( Episodes greater than equal to 150 represent that it has reached the goal in the shortest path)
Lidar Ranges (40 total ranges with max range of 5)
distance to goal
derivative of distance to goal
(I also tried adding more things to my observation such as pitch,yaw,roll and etc but that ultimately made the agent unable to converge faster)
Pitch and Roll( -pi/7 to pi/7)
Yaw (-pi to pi)
Reward Function
Pitch, Roll and Yaw have a very small penalty
Penalty for hitting Obstacle (Large)
Reaching Goal
if derivative of disatance to goal is less than 0 its absoulte value is given as reward with a gain( rewarding the agent to maximize it velocity in the direction of the Goal)
minor step penalty
Termination Criteria:
If hit obstacle
If reached goal
Create the agent options object
agentOptions = rlDDPGAgentOptions();
% specify the options
agentOptions.SampleTime = Ts; %sampling time of 0.025 and final time of 25
agentOptions.MiniBatchSize = 256;
agentOptions.ExperienceBufferLength = 1e6;
agentOptions.MaxMiniBatchPerEpoch = 200;
% optimizer options
agentOptions.ActorOptimizerOptions.LearnRate = 1e-3;
agentOptions.ActorOptimizerOptions.GradientThreshold = 1;
agentOptions.CriticOptimizerOptions.LearnRate = 1e-3;
agentOptions.CriticOptimizerOptions.GradientThreshold = 1;
% exploration options
agentOptions.NoiseOptions.StandardDeviation = 0.15;
agentOptions.NoiseOptions.MeanAttractionConstant = 0.15;
initOpts = rlAgentInitializationOptions(NumHiddenUnit=256);
UAVQuadrotor = rlDDPGAgent(obsInfo,actInfo,initOpts,agentOptions);

上次活动时间: 2025-2-18,11:12

what is the new modification for matlab 2024 and 2023b version , some of my code is showing error?
在分类学习器中,点击特征选择,页面就会一直停留在正在打开特征选择选项。然后命令行窗口会出现警告。警告的内容为警告: 执行为类 mlearnapp.internal.ui.toolstrip.GenericButtonView 定义的事件 Clicked 的侦听程序回调时出现错误:
错误使用 normalize
In the classification learner, click Feature Selection and the page will stay with the feature selection option open. A warning will then appear in the command line window. Warning for warning: the contents of execution for the class mlearnapp. Internal. UI. Toolstrip. GenericButtonView defined event Clicked listener error correction:
Use normalize incorrectly
Too many input parameters.
上次活动时间: 2025-2-19,0:52

I am looking for a Simulink tutor to help me with Reinforcement Learning Agent integration. If you work for MathWorks, I am willing to pay $30/hr. I am working on a passion project, ready to start ASAP. DM me if you're interested.

Since May 2023, MathWorks officially introduced the new Community API(MATLAB Central Interface for MATLAB), which supports both MATLAB and Node.js languages, allowing users to programmatically access data from MATLAB Answers, File Exchange, Blogs, Cody, Highlights, and Contests.
I’m curious about what interesting things people generally do with this API. Could you share some of your successful or interesting experiences? For example, retrieving popular Q&A topics within a certain time frame through the API and displaying them in a chart.
If you have any specific examples or ideas in mind, feel free to share!
function Shrinking_bvp4c
clear all
clear all
% defining parameters
sol1 = bvpinit(linspace(0,20,25),[1 1 1 0]);
sol = bvp4c(@bvp2D,@bc2D,sol1);
x = sol.x;
y = sol.y;
%%% Plotting of the velocity
figure (1)
plot(x, y(2, :) ,'linewidth', 1)
hold on
xlabel('\eta', 'fontweight', 'bold', 'fontsize', 16)
ylabel('f^{\prime}(\eta)', 'fontweight', 'bold', 'fontsize', 16)
%% Residual of the boundary conditions
function residual = bc2D(y0, yinf)
residual=[y0(1)-S; y0(2) - 1; yinf(2)];
%% System of First Order ODEs
function yvector = bvp2D(t,y)
yy1 = 1/y(1)*(y(2)*y(2)-y(1)*y(3)-y(4)+k*(2*y(2)*y(4)-y(3)*y(3))+M*y(2)+K*y(2));
yvector = [y(2);y(3);yy1];
On my computers, this bit of code produces an error whose cause I have pinpointed,
load tstcase
ycp=lsqlin(I, y, Aineq, bineq);
Error using parseOptions
Too many output arguments.
Error in lsqlin (line 170)
[options, optimgetFlag] = parseOptions(options, 'lsqlin', defaultopt);
The reason for the error is seemingly because, in recent Matlab, lsqlin now depends on a utility function parseOptions, which is shadowed by one of my personal functions sharing the same name:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\toolbox\shared\optimlib\parseOptions.m % Shadowed
The MathWorks-supplied version of parseOptions is undocumented, and so is seemingly not meant for use outside of MathWorks. Shouldn't it be standard MathWorks practice to put these utilities in a private\ folder where they cannot conflict with user-supplied functions of the same name?
It is going to be an enormous headache for me to now go and rename all calls to my version of parseOptions. It is a function I have been using for a long time and permeates my code.
Steve Eddins
Steve Eddins
上次活动时间: 2025-2-21,15:45

General observations on practical implementation issues regarding add-on versioning
I am making updates to one of my File Exchange add-ons, and the updates will require an updated version of another add-on. The state of versioning for add-ons seems to be a bit of a mess.
First, there are several sources of truth for an add-on’s version:
  • The GitHub release version, which gets mirrored to the File Exchange version
  • The ToolboxVersion property of toolboxOptions (for an add-on packaged as a toolbox)
  • The version in the Contents.m file (if there is one)
Then, there is the question of how to check the version of an installed add-on. You can call matlab.addon.installedAddons, which returns a table. Then you need to inspect the table to see if a particular add-on is present, if it is enabled, and get the version number.
If you can get the version number this way, then you need some code to compare two semantic version numbers (of the form “3.1.4”). I’m not aware of a documented MATLAB function for this. The verLessThan function takes a toolbox name and a version; it doesn’t help you with comparing two versions.
If add-on files were downloaded directly and added to the MATLAB search path manually, instead of using the .mtlbx installer file, the add-on won’t be listed in the table returned by matlab.addon.installedAddon. You’d have to call ver to get the version number from the Contents.m file (if there is one).
Frankly, I don’t want to write any of this code. It would take too long, be challenging to test, and likely be fragile.
Instead, I think I will write some sort of “capabilities” utility function for the add-on. This function will be used to query the presence of needed capabilities. There will still be a slight coding hassle—the client add-on will need to call the capabilities utility function in a try-catch, because earlier versions of the add-on will not have that utility function.
I also posted this over at Harmonic Notes
Chen Lin
Chen Lin
上次活动时间: 2025-2-18,17:44

Have you ever wanted to search for a community member but didn't know where to start? Or perhaps you knew where to search but couldn't find enough information from the results? You're not alone. Many community users have shared this frustration with us. That's why the community team is excited to introduce the new ‘People’ page to address this need.
What Does the ‘People’ Page Offer?
  1. Comprehensive User Search: Search for users across different applications seamlessly.
  2. Detailed User Information: View a list of community members along with additional details such as their join date, rankings, and total contributions.
  3. Sorting Options: Use the ‘sort by’ filter located below the search bar to organize the list according to your preferences.
  4. Easy Navigation: Access the Answers, File Exchange, and Cody Leaderboard by clicking the ‘Leaderboards’ button in the upper right corner.
In summary, the ‘People’ page provides a gateway to search for individuals and gain deeper insights into the community.
How Can You Access It?
Navigate to the global menu, click on the ‘More’ link, and you’ll find the ‘People’ option.
Now you know where to go if you want to search for a user. We encourage you to give it a try and share your feedback with us.