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Hello everyone! I'm trying to find an optimal placement for a recloser using the optimization toolbox. The best place to set a recloser is defined by minimal SAIFI (system average interruption frequency index) value. I've created a little function where Nt - total number of customers, G - are some weights characterizing power lines, Xi - number of interrupted customers (if interruption happens in i-th line AND it has a recloser in it), Mi - row of 1 and 0 (that genetic algorithm should use as a gene I guess...) Here's the code of function:

function [S] = SAIFI_sum (M)
G = [1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6];
X = [270 30 220 180 60 70];
  for i=1:length(M)
      if  M(i)== 1
      N(i) = X(i);
          N(i) = Nt;
  S = 0;
  for j=1:length(M)
      SAIFI(j) = N(j)*G(j);
      S = S + SAIFI(j);
As a result I have 51 same results: S = 297 and following message:
"Optimization running.
Objective function value: 297.0
Optimization terminated: average change in the fitness value less than options.FunctionTolerance".
I couldn't understand how to solve this problem.

Created and tested in the university classroom, the Introduction to MATLAB zyBook includes automated assessment using MATLAB Grader. Learn how to create custom MATLAB assignments using zyLabs and provide feedback.

Join this webinar running April 21st and 23rd

Here is a great video from Gartner in response to COVID-19 and trends they are seeing for schools transitioning to Distance Learning. We hope this is helpful! See here: Gartner Research

I organized in September 2019 a one-week workshop in a hybrid set-up (students could attend the workshop either on-site or fully on-line). Beyond the hybrid nature of the workshop, the workshop was "flipped": the workshop attendees had to study some handbook specifically written for the workshop, watch some short videos summarizing the main concepts and answer online quizzes. During the workshop, most of the time was spent on hands-on coding exercises and assignments, during which the workshop attendees had to apply the concepts presented in the handbook and videos.

All coding exercises and assignments were carried out with MATLAB Grader. The platform provided the same coding environment to all workshop attendees, irrespective of whether they attended the workshop on-site or remotely. Furthermore, by providing a coding template and rigorous assessment tests along each exercise, having all students converging to the right "solution" was painless. It allowed me, as a teacher, to entirely focus on helping the students in solving those exercises, which was extremely rewarding.

This teaching set-up, combined with smart IT solutions as e.g MATLAB Grader, favors deep student learning, since the students learn by doing (active learning) and are continuously supported by the teacher in their learning.

I will soon teach in another course along the same principles. The course was supposed to be given on-site only, but because of the outbreak of Covid-19, it will be given entirely online. Thanks to MATLAB Grader, the migration to a online set-up is straightforward.

In case you want to read more about some of my past efforts in the development and application of student-centred pedagogical approaches, you can read more about those at: and

I will also be glad to answer questions and provide help to those of you who want to get started with online teaching.


This Coursera course teaches computer programming to those with little to no previous experience:

Your students might find this course a useful introduction to programming.

I took a course on Medical Image Processing from one of the instructors, Prof Mike Fitzpatrick, when I was a graduate student at Vanderbilt University a few decades ago. He's a great instructor who helped get me hooked on MATLAB for learning, teaching and researching!

There’s a webinar on online learning tools with MATLAB this Friday. It’s for time zones in Asia Pacific.

Register if you’re interested!

Hi I want to track a animal in my recorded video. I tried computer vision toolbox but it is not very accurate for this type of tracking. The recording is from top and the animal runs in a maze. I want to track body and head. The next step is classifying the movements in video using deep learning but again we do not have a trained network.

iam working with rgb fundus images my task is to convert the rgb image to hsv space and extract the channels and perform brightness correction in the image now i am little confused on how to extract the channels of the corrected image the corrected image is not saved as jpg format could anyone help me to solve this issue i have also attached the coding thank you in advance

Looking for solutions to move your course online? zyBooks and MathWorks have teamed up to provide free access to the Introduction to MATLAB zyBook for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester.

This web-based book presents a comprehensive introduction to MATLAB through interactive questions, animations, and automated MATLAB assessment. Benefits include:

  • Access the textbook, homework, and practice from one location
  • Put theory into action through an engaging, learn-by-doing approach
  • Improve student learning with instant, contextual feedback
  • Save time grading with automated MATLAB assessment using MATLAB Grader
  • See real-time analysis of class and student performance
  • Create custom MATLAB assignments using zyLabs
  • Use proven, prebuilt interactive questions and animations

Learn more at:

MATLAB Online lets students run MATLAB without having to install the software on the computer. All you need is a web browser and an internet connection.

I would love to hear comments and experiences of using MATLAB Online.

The Webinar has ended, but you can view the recording here on YouTube.

MathWorks has developed several cloud-based tools to enable instructors and students to have access for teaching and learning anytime, anywhere. Join us for a free webinar with Dr. Elvira Osuna-Highley where we’ll discuss these tools, how they fit together to support your course development and delivery workflow, and how to use them immediately in your online course.

We will discuss several resources including:

• Accessing MATLAB Online and MATLAB Drive Anytime, Anywhere

• Leveraging interactive content with self-paced courses, MATLAB Apps, and Live Scripts

• Mentoring students at scale with automated assessment and feedback in MATLAB Grader

• Connecting students with the community by participating in the MATLAB user community

Thank you to IFEES, GEDC and IUCEE for sponsoring this series to help support educators across the world in moving their courses online.

Chad Allie
Chad Allie
上次活动时间: 2020-3-30

Hello Distance Learning Community!

I am hoping to hear from any academics in how MATLAB's online resources have helped you during this difficult time of transition to online courses:

- Have you had any issues or difficulties with getting started with our online tools?

- Do you see any areas of improvement that could better serve your course in an online environment?

- Do you have any stories to share of how these online tools have helped you to run your class and improve it for the future?

Thank you and stay well!

Chad Allie

Education Customer Success (USA Southwest)

Hello everyone,

I’m Jiro, and I’m part of the Education Customer Success group at MathWorks. We help academics, students, and institutions achieve success through the use of our tools. I will be the moderator for this new community of distance learning.

As many academic institutions are moving their classes online, we hope that this community will help instructors connect with others who are in the same situation. This community site gathers various resources and information that will be useful for teaching with MATLAB and Simulink in a distance learning setting. We have a number of MathWorks employees monitoring this community, but we want this to be a place for the community to come together. The hope is that the community will grow and the resources gathered here will grow with it.

I encourage you to share best practices ( Discussions ), ask questions ( MATLAB Answers ), and share examples ( File Exchange ).

As a first question, what course are you teaching (or planning to teach) online?

Hello friends i have strugled to develope codes in matlab and spent ample time in converting the available codes to my area . If any of the researcher are interested to share their codes with me are welcomed and collabarations are welcomed ...currenty i need a basic code in unit commitment using real coded and binary coded for Security contrained and integrating Reneweable energy .. I too will share my codes because world is going to vanish soon so my knowledge should spread across the globe

with rds s.praveen kumar

Check out this short video on the new features in Simulink R2020a . What's your favorite new feature?

Just wanted to post a link to this video we recently published on YouTube:

PID Controller tuning for a buck converter

Let me know what you think. Arkadiy

Hi everyone,

I am trying to control an actuator with brushless DC Motor in Simulink. At one point, I am in need of the motor rotation and the only parameter available to me is the duty cycle and the direction of rotor. I knew that it is not possible to calculate rotation from duty cycle. In case if some one have idea about this or some suggestions, could you please share with me

Thanks in advance


I am trying to simulate a PMSM, which has a Quasi sinusoidal back-emf waveform. Is there any way I can define the back emf to be anything other than Sinusoidal/Trapezoidal?

Thanks in advance. Saurabh Kumar

Recently, I have been learning the mathematical modeling of switching converters. Looking for a lot of data, I know that the current loop control mainly includes peak current, valley current and average current control methods. The detailed process of peak current modeling is found in the book "modeling, control and digital realization of switch converter". However, my brother has not found the detailed introduction of average current modeling. I would like to ask you brother and sister have any good information recommendation, the best is books (the most detailed explanation). Thank you very much!

I have issue with the design that i have downloaded from mathwork community. how to solve regarding this matter

Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Subsystem/Voltage Measurement/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement1/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement2/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement3/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement4/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement5/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement6/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error

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