
Results for

In Week 2, the contest entered a new phase – the voting started! As of today, 6000+ votes have been cast on almost 1000 entries in the GALLERY! As a result, YOU raised $5000+ for Direct Relief in addition to the $2400 raised via the Treasure Hunt contest! We encourage you to continue sharing the contest to inspire others to participate by either voting or creating new entries so we can donate even more!

MATLAB Mini Hack Winners - Week 2

I won’t say judging is getting easier in Week 2 - amazing entries keep coming in every day. Congratulations to the winners! Each of you has won a special edition T-shirt.

Bonus Prize Winners - Week 2

We are giving out additional giveaways to participants of both the Treasure Hunt and the MATLAB Mini Hack . Congratulations to our 5 winners. Each of you has also won a special edition T-shirt.

  • Simon Thor
  • Eric Ogier
  • David Hill
  • Lyes Demri
  • Highphi

What’s new in Week 3?

In Week 3, we will add several new categories in which we hope to see more creative entries:

  • Holidays
  • Album covers
  • Food & Drinks
  • MathWorks logo
  • Fractals

In just one week, 500+ amazing entries were created. Math rocks and you rock!

Help us show the world the beauty of mathematics by sharing your work with your friends, classmates, or colleagues. You can also help fight the global pandemic by voting. For each vote, MathWorks will donate $1 to Direct Relief. See the Voting FAQs below for details.

MATLAB Mini Hack Winners - Week 1

Let’s start by saying: your awesome work made our judging VERY HARD! We came up with several categories with one winner each. Congratulations to the winners! Each of you won a special edition T-shirt:

Bonus Prize Winners - Week 1

As we announced last week, we are giving additional giveaways to participants of both the Treasure Hunt contest and the MATLAB Mini Hack contest . Congratulations to our 5 winners. Each of you also won a special edition T-shirt

  • Jan Orwat
  • warnerchang
  • Davide OLIVIERI
  • Daniel Niblett

Voting FAQs:

Q1: Who can vote?

Anyone with a MathWorks account can vote.

Q2: How many times can I vote?

There here is no limit to the number of votes you can cast. Vote for as many entries as you like (one vote per entry).

Q3: How do my votes increase MathWorks’ charity donation?

For every vote an entry gets, we will donate $1 to Direct Relief with a maximum amount of $20 donated per entry. MathWorks will donate up to a maximum of $20,000 based on the combined totals raised by task participation in the Treasure Hunt and voting in the MATLAB Mini Hack .

Q4. How do I win?

At the end of the contest, the top 10 participants on the leaderboard will each get an Amazon gift card and the top 3 will earn special badges. The 10 highest voted entries will win 5 customized T-shirts. See the full contest details.

Every week, we will also award surprise prizes for more fun.

Note that MathWorks staff are NOT eligible for prizes.

Q5: How do votes on my entries determine my rank on the leaderboard?

The total number of votes on ALL of your entries determines your rank on the leaderboard.

Q6: Do votes on remixed entries add votes to the original entry?

No. We count only direct votes on an entry.

Q7: Is the code (also) automatically compared to earlier submissions to determine the remix tree?

No. You have to remix an entry.

Just in 2 days since the contest started, we already have 200+ awesome entries in the MATLAB Mini Hack contests. We are excited to see so many talented and creative community members enjoying the contest and learning from each other.

If you haven’t created your entry, try remixing an entry you like. Make some SMALL changes and see what it would look like. Remix is highly encouraged in this contest.

If you haven’t entered the Treasure Hunt contest, give it a try. Your participation will not only win you a prize but also bump up MathWorks’ donation to a charity organization that fights the global pandemic.


  • Voting will start next Monday.
  • Weekly surprise giveaways will also be announced next Monday. Still time left to create your entries, original or remixed!

As part of MATLAB Central’s 20 year anniversary celebration, we created the MATLAB Mini Hack . The contest starts today on Oct. 4th!

What to do?

Generate an interesting image using up to 280 characters of MATLAB code.

Who can play?

Participants across all skill levels are welcome. Create original entries of your own code, remix others’ entries and make them your own, or simply vote on ENTRIES you love!

How to win prizes?

Those at the top of the leaderboard at the end of the contest will win up to $300 Amazon gift cards, 5 customized T-shirts, or special badges. Visit the prizes section on the contest page for more information.

To add more fun, we will award RANDOM PRIZES that every participant has a chance to win.

  • Each week, we will pick 5 players who participate in both the Treasure Hunt and MATLAB Mini Hack .
  • Each week, we will have different surprise giveaways.

Important Notes

  • The first week (Oct. 4th, 2021 ~ Oct. 10th 2021) is for creating entries only. Voting starts on Week 2.
  • Make sure you follow the contests (click the ‘follow the contests’ button on the top) to get notified when prizes are awarded and of other important announcements. We hope you are the winner!
I need to put a number of problems on MATLAB cody under same Problem group, as many other people have done.
Can anyone please help me on this.

Join our celebration of the 20th anniversary of MATLAB Central community! You are invited to enter 2 contests - A Treasure Hunt and a MATLAB Mini Hack - to have fun and win prizes.

How to Play

  • In the Treasure Hunt, complete 10 fun tasks to explore the ‘treasures’ in the community.
  • In the MATLAB Mini Hack, use up to 280 characters of MATLAB code to generate an interesting image. Simply vote for the entries that you like or share your own entries to gain votes.


You will have opportunities to win compelling prizes, including special edition T-shirts, customized T-shirts, Amazon gift cards, and virtual badges. Your participation will also bump up our charity donations.

Ready to participate?

Visit the community contests space and choose the contest you’d like to enter. Note that:

  • You need a MathWorks account to participate. If you don’t have a MathWorks account, you can create one at MathWorks sign in .
  • Make sure you follow the contests (click the ‘follow the contests’ button on the top) to get notified for prize information and important announcements.

For the full contest rules, prizes, and terms, see details here .

We hope you enjoy the contests and win big prizes. NOW, LET THE CELEBRATION BEGIN!

I created a problem in Cody that approximates e. To test the user's solution, I compare their solution to e. What I want to do instead is compare the user's solution to my reference solution. The question is how do I call the reference solution in the test suite?
This is currently my test suite.
y_correct = playgame();
I created several problems recently in CODY. Some of them got removed automatically. I was curious as to why.
It is possible that the problems used latex in their description, so I am not sure if that was the reason they got rejected by the cody server.
I created some problems last night and created a group too. All those are now missing.
Also my ranking progress, activites, badges earned last night are missing too.
Hi all,
I hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe. I was wondering, are there any Cody challenges for Simulink these days?
I saw a post from 2015 (https://blogs.mathworks.com/simulink/2015/08/07/modeling-and-simulation-challenge-in-cody/) and it seems there was a Simulink or "Modeling and Simulation Challenge" problem group, but I couldn't find this group anymore. Perhaps I missing something?
Thank you beforehand.

Happy New Year, everyone! We hope you enjoyed the Cody contest in 2020, learned new MATLAB skills, and made a friend or two. While the 2020 contest has concluded, the fun and learning never end.

Please take the 1-minute survey to talk about your experience (only 2 required questions). Our goal is to make future contests better and more appealing to you, so your feedback is critical to us.

Thank you in advance and hope to see you again in the 2021 contest.

I see this solution on the Cody solutions list. Solution 1949216
I am puzzled as to how this could possibly be rated as correct (size 48)
(BTW - I am pretty sure I saw this, or similar, before.)
function ans = fileread(varargin)
' ';
b=3; end

We are excited to announce that Cody Contest 2020 starts today! Again, the rule is simple - solve any problem and rate its difficulty. If you have any question, please visit our FAQs page first. Want to know your ranking? Check out the contest leaderboard .

Happy problem-solving! We hope you are a winner.

Below are some FAQs for the Cody contest 2020. If you have any additional questions, ask your questions by replying to this post. We will keep updating the FAQs.

Q1: If I rate a problem I solved before the contest, will I still get a raffle ticket?

A: Yes. You can rate any problem you have solved, whether it was before or during the contest period.

Q2: When will I receive the contest badges that I've earned?

A: All badges will be awarded after the contest ends.

Q3: How do I know if I’m the raffle winner?

A: If you are a winner, we will contact you to get your name and mailing address. You can find the list of winners on the Cody contest page .

Q4: When will I receive my T-shirt or hat?

A: You will typically receive your prize within a few weeks. It might take longer for international shipping.

Q5: I'm new to Cody. If I have some questions about using Cody, how can I get help?

A: You can ask your question by replying this post. Other community users might help you and we will also monitor the threads. You might also find answers here .

Q6: What do I do if I have a question about a specific problem?

A: If the problem description is unclear, the test suite is broken, or similar concerns arise, post your question(s) as a comment on the specific problem page. If you are having a hard time solving a problem, you can post a comment to your solution attempt (after submitting it). However, do not ask other people to solve problems for you.

Q7: If I find a bug or notice someone is cheating/spamming during the contest, how can I report it?

A: Use Web Site Feedback . Select "MATLAB Central" from the category list.

Q8: Why can't I rate a problem?

A: To rate a problem, you must solve that problem first and have at least 50 total points.

It's pretty odd how a solution that uses more characters than usual can be the "leading solution" of a Cody problem and have the least size. Compare these two codes that find the sum of integers from 1 to 2^x, which one uses fewer characters, thus should be the better solution?
function y = sum_int(x)
regexp '' '(?@y=sum(1:2^x);)'
function ans = sum_int(x)
Last activity 2024-9-17,13:25

Similar to what has happened with the wishlist threads (#1 #2 #3 #4 #5), the "what frustrates you about MATLAB" thread has become very large. This makes navigation difficult and increases page load times.
So here is the follow-up page.
What should you post where?
Wishlist threads (#1 #2 #3 #4 #5): bugs and feature requests for Matlab Answers
Frustation threads (#1 #2): frustations about usage and capabilities of Matlab itself
Missing feature threads (#1 #2): features that you whish Matlab would have had
Next Gen threads (#1): features that would break compatibility with previous versions, but would be nice to have
@anyone posting a new thread when the last one gets too large (about 50 answers seems a reasonable limit per thread), please update this list in all last threads. (if you don't have editing privileges, just post a comment asking someone to do the edit)
If a large number of fair N-sided dice are rolled, the average of the simulated rolls is likely to be close to the mean of 1,2,...N i.e. the expected value of one die. For example, the expected value of a 6-sided die is 3.5.
Given N, simulate 1e8 N-sided dice rolls by creating a vector of 1e8 uniformly distributed random integers. Return the difference between the mean of this vector and the mean of integers from 1 to N.
function dice_diff = loln(N)
dice_diff =abs(M-m);
Here is my code, but it can't work out as it needs too long time to creat A.
In problem 16 I used the following solution:
function b = nearZero(a)
b = max(a(imdilate(a == 0, [1 1 1])));
It is working pretty well on mathlab but when I submit my answer to cody, the following error is generated:
Undefined function 'imdilate' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in nearZero (line 2)
b = max(a(imdilate(a == 0, [1 1 1])));
Error in Test1 (line 3)
In number 5, its written that the correct answer is c = 1 but the secomnd person has more change than the first person, therefor the correct answer should be 2.Likewise in number 6.