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We've released an open-source implementation of STIPA (Speech Transmission Index for Public Address) on GitHub!
What is STIPA?
Speech Transmission Index is a metric designed to assess the quality of speech transmission through a communication channel. It quantifies the intelligibility of speech signals based on amplitude modulations, providing a standardized measure crucial for evaluating public address systems and communication equipment. STIPA is a version of STI using a simplified measurement method and only one test signal.
Quality Representation:
STI values range from 0 to 1, categorizing speech transmission quality from bad to excellent. The raw STI score can be transformed into the likelihood of intelligibility of syllables, words, and sentences being comprehended.
Verification Tests:
To ensure reliability, we've conducted verification tests according to the IEC 60286-16 standard. Download the test signals and run the stipaVerificationTests.m script from our GitHub repository.
Control Measurements:
We've performed comparative measurements in a university auditorium, showcasing the validity of our implementation.
Our STIPA implementation is distributed under the GNU General Public License 3, reflecting our commitment to open-source collaboration.
Last activity 2024-1-18

I'm having problem in its test 6 ... passing 5/6 what would be the real issue..
am wring Transformation matrix correct.. as question said SSW should be 202.5 degree...
so what is the issue..
i am just thinking to make a project on software defined ratio SDR using matlab and its toolboxes but I am UG student in ECE don't know how to start can we have discussion here and want the guidance from the best or good persons in the field of wireless communication
Hello, Community Members!
Every day, we witness the incredible exchange of knowledge as over 100,000 users visit our community for answers or to get some code. We have such a vibrant community because of the dedicated group of contributors who volunteer their time and expertise to help one another.
We learned that many community users are looking for different ways to show their appreciation to contributors. In response, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our latest feature – Skill Endorsements.
When you visit a contributor's profile page, you'll notice a brand-new 'Endorsements' tab. Here, you have the power to acknowledge the skills of your fellow members by either endorsing a new skill or bolstering existing ones.
But it's more than just saying "thank you." By highlighting the strengths of our members, you're contributing to an environment of trust and making it easier for users to connect with experts in specific areas.
So, take a moment to reflect: Who has made a difference in your community experience? Whose expertise has guided you through a challenge? Show your appreciation and support their contributions – start endorsing skills today!
Your participation makes all the difference.
Warm regards,
MATLAB Central Community Team
I noticed a couple new replies show up on the recent poll a day or so ago, but since then, the page can't be loaded anymore in any browser I've tried.
Is MathWorks going to spend 5 years starting in 2024 making Python the #1 supported language?
I'm not sure it's authentic information, and am looking forward to a high level of integration with python.
American style football
Soccer / football
tennis or golf
rugby, track, cricket, racing, etc.
3712 个投票
Congratulations, @Cris LaPierre for achieving 10K reputation points.
You reached this milestone by providing valuable contribution to the community since you started answering questions in Since September 2018.
You provided 3984 answers and received 1142 votes. You are ranked #24 in the community. Thank you for your contribution to the community and please keep up the good track record!
MATLAB Central Team
The MATLAB AI Chat Playground is now open to the whole community! Answer questions, write first draft MATLAB code, and generate examples of common functions with natural language.
The playground features a chat panel next to a lightweight MATLAB code editor. Use the chat panel to enter natural language prompts to return explanations and code. You can keep chatting with the AI to refine the results or make changes to the output.
MATLAB AI Chat Playground
Give it a try, provide feedback on the output, and check back often as we make improvements to the model and overall experience.
What amazing animations can be created with no more than 2000 characters of MATLAB code? Check out our GALLERY from the MATLAB Flipbook Mini Hack contest.
Vote on your favorite animations before Dec. 3rd. We will give out MATLAB T-shirts to 10 lucky voters!
Tips: the more you vote, the higher your chance to win.
Adrian Segura
Adrian Segura
Last activity 2023-11-28

Hello, I am a student and I am working on a neural network for a line follower car and I would like you to recommend a tutorial to implement it in simulink.
Last activity 2023-11-6

good afternoon everyone my name is Dundu lawan haruna ,i'm a final year student at the department of computer engineering ABU Zaria, Nigerian , and i wanted to do my final year project based on computer vision : project topic , designing an eye glasses to help those people with visual imparement to be able to navigate enviroment efficiently , that's why i need a support from you guys ,all advised are highly well come , thank you for your support.
You are invited to join our 2023 community contest – MATLAB Flipbook Mini Hack! This year’s contest revolves around creating interesting animations using MATLAB.
Whether you are a seasoned MATLAB user or just getting started, this contest offers a fantastic opportunity to showcase your skills, learn from others, and engage with the vibrant MATLAB Central community.
This contest runs for 4 weeks from Nov. 6th to Dec. 3rd.
How to play
  • Create a new animation or remix an existing one with up to 2,000 characters of code.
  • Simply vote on the animations you love!
You will have opportunities to win compelling prizes, including Amazon gift cards, MathWorks T-shirts, and virtual badges. We will give out both weekly prizes and grand prizes.
Check out the gallery and vote on the animations you like.
The MATLAB Central Community team
Image Analyst
Image Analyst
Last activity 2023-10-31

Just in time for Halloween.
I rarely/never save .fig files
Continue working on it later
Archive for future reference
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2097 个投票
Recently, I came across a post about the JIT compiler on this Korean blog. In the post. The writer discussed the concept of the "Compile Threshold" and how it is calculated.
"The JVM accumulates the number of calls for each method called and compiles when the number exceeds a certain number. In other words, there is a standard for checking how often it is called and then deciding, 'It is time to compile.' This standard is called the compilation threshold. But what is this and why should it be used as a standard?"
The concept of the "Compile Threshold," as used above, seems to be more commonly associated with Tracing just-in-time compilation.
The writer used the simple Java code below to calculate the threshold.
for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) {
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
for (int j = 0; j < 1000; ++j) {
new Object();
long endTime = System.nanoTime();
System.out.printf("%d\t%d\n", i, endTime - startTime);
Since the MATLAB execution engine uses JIT compilation, I just wanted to perform the same experiment that the writer did.
I experimented using simple codes based on the code in the blog. I iterated a function 500 time using for-loop and calculated the execution time for each iteration using tic and toc. Then I plotted the execution time for each loop as blow. First five execution times are much higher than followings (10 times!) The test is very rough so I am not sure that I can conclude "MATLAB has Compile Threshold and it is 5!" but this value is actually correct ;-)
t0 = 0;
tfinal = 10;
y0 = [20;20];
timeToRun = zeros(500,1);
for i = 1:500
tStart = tic;
[preypeaks,predatorpeaks] = solvelotka(t0, tfinal, y0);
tEnd = toc(tStart);
timeToRun(i) = tEnd;
VS Code Extension for MATLAB was introduced back in April and has been downloaded 75K times since. Do people here use VS Code for writing MATLAB code?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst
Last activity 2023-11-10

Wait for Walter, the rest of us are mere users.