
Results for

hold on
colorData = uint8([255, 150, 200, 100; ...
255, 100, 50, 200; ...
0, 50, 100, 150; ...
102, 150, 200, 50]);
set(ax.Backdrop.Face, 'ColorBinding','interpolated','ColorData',colorData);
I have written two tools and uploaded fileexchange, which allows us to easily draw chord diagrams:
chord chart 弦图
dataMat=[2 0 1 2 5 1 2;
3 5 1 4 2 0 1;
4 0 5 5 2 4 3];
% 显示刻度和数值
% Displays scales and numeric values
% 调节标签半径
% Adjustable Label radius
Digraph chord chart 有向弦图
% 添加标签名称
% 添加刻度
% 修改字体,字号及颜色
How to create a legend as follows?
Principle Explanation - Graphic Objects
Hidden Properties of Legend are laid as follows
In most cases, legends are drawn using LineLoop and Quadrilateral:
Both of these basic graphic objects are drawn in groups of four points, and the general principle is as follows:
Of course, you can arrange the points in order, or set VertexIndices whitch means the vertex order to obtain the desired quadrilateral shape:
Other objects
Compared to objects that can only be grouped into four points, we also need to introduce more flexible objects. Firstly, LineStrip, a graphical object that draws lines in groups of two points:
And TriangleStrip is a set of three points that draw objects to fill triangles, for example, complex polygons can be filled with multiple triangles:
Principle Explanation - Create and Replace
Let's talk about how to construct basic graphic objects, which are all constructed using undisclosed and very low-level functions, such as LineStrip, not through:
  • LineStrip()
It is built through:
  • matlab.graphics.primitive.world.LineStrip()
After building the object, the following properties must be set to make the hidden object visible:
  • Layer
  • ColorBinding
  • ColorData
  • VertexData
  • PickableParts
The settings of these properties can refer to the original legend to form the object, which will not be elaborated here. You can also refer to the code I wrote.
Afterwards, set the newly constructed object's parent class as the Group parent class of the original component, and then hide the original component
The above is the entire process of component replacement, with two example codes written:
Semi transparent legend
function SPrettyLegend(lgd)
% Semitransparent rounded rectangle legend
% Copyright (c) 2023, Zhaoxu Liu / slandarer
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Zhaoxu Liu / slandarer (2023). pretty legend
% (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/132128-pretty-legend),
% MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 2023/7/9.
% =========================================================================
if nargin<1
ax = gca;
lgd = get(ax,'Legend');
Ratio = .1;
t1 = linspace(0,pi/2,4); t1 = t1([1,2,2,3,3,4]);
t2 = linspace(pi/2,pi,4); t2 = t2([1,2,2,3,3,4]);
t3 = linspace(pi,3*pi/2,4); t3 = t3([1,2,2,3,3,4]);
t4 = linspace(3*pi/2,2*pi,4); t4 = t4([1,2,2,3,3,4]);
XX = [1,1,1-Ratio+cos(t1).*Ratio,1-Ratio,Ratio,Ratio+cos(t2).*Ratio,...
YY = [Ratio,1-Ratio,1-Ratio+sin(t1).*Ratio,1,1,1-Ratio+sin(t2).*Ratio,...
% 圆角边框(border-radius)
oriBoxEdgeHdl = lgd.BoxEdge;
newBoxEdgeHdl = matlab.graphics.primitive.world.LineStrip();
newBoxEdgeHdl.AlignVertexCenters = 'off';
newBoxEdgeHdl.Layer = 'front';
newBoxEdgeHdl.ColorBinding = 'object';
newBoxEdgeHdl.LineWidth = 1;
newBoxEdgeHdl.LineJoin = 'miter';
newBoxEdgeHdl.WideLineRenderingHint = 'software';
newBoxEdgeHdl.ColorData = uint8([38;38;38;0]);
newBoxEdgeHdl.VertexData = single([XX;YY;XX.*0]);
% 半透明圆角背景(Semitransparent rounded background)
oriBoxFaceHdl = lgd.BoxFace;
newBoxFaceHdl = matlab.graphics.primitive.world.TriangleStrip();
Ind = [1:(length(XX)-1);ones(1,length(XX)-1).*(length(XX)+1);2:length(XX)];
Ind = Ind(:).';
newBoxFaceHdl.PickableParts = 'all';
newBoxFaceHdl.Layer = 'back';
newBoxFaceHdl.ColorBinding = 'object';
newBoxFaceHdl.ColorType = 'truecoloralpha';
newBoxFaceHdl.ColorData = uint8(255*[1;1;1;.6]);
newBoxFaceHdl.VertexData = single([XX,.5;YY,.5;XX.*0,0]);
newBoxFaceHdl.VertexIndices = uint32(Ind);
newBoxFaceHdl.Parent = oriBoxFaceHdl.Parent;
oriBoxFaceHdl.Visible = 'off';
Usage examples
clc; clear; close all
% 生成随机点(Generate random points)
mu = [2 3; 6 7; 8 9];
S = cat(3,[1 0; 0 2],[1 0; 0 2],[1 0; 0 1]);
r1 = abs(mvnrnd(mu(1,:),S(:,:,1),100));
r2 = abs(mvnrnd(mu(2,:),S(:,:,2),100));
r3 = abs(mvnrnd(mu(3,:),S(:,:,3),100));
% 绘制散点图(Draw scatter chart)
hold on
propCell = {'LineWidth',1.2,'MarkerEdgeColor',[.3,.3,.3],'SizeData',60};
scatter(r1(:,1),r1(:,2),'filled','CData',[0.40 0.76 0.60],propCell{:});
scatter(r2(:,1),r2(:,2),'filled','CData',[0.99 0.55 0.38],propCell{:});
scatter(r3(:,1),r3(:,2),'filled','CData',[0.55 0.63 0.80],propCell{:});
% 增添图例(Draw legend)
lgd = legend('scatter1','scatter2','scatter3');
lgd.Location = 'northwest';
lgd.FontSize = 14;
% 坐标区域基础修饰(Axes basic decoration)
ax=gca; grid on
ax.FontName = 'Cambria';
ax.Color = [0.9,0.9,0.9];
ax.Box = 'off';
ax.TickDir = 'out';
ax.GridColor = [1 1 1];
ax.GridAlpha = 1;
ax.LineWidth = 1;
ax.XColor = [0.2,0.2,0.2];
ax.YColor = [0.2,0.2,0.2];
ax.TickLength = [0.015 0.025];
% 隐藏轴线(Hide XY-Ruler)
ax.XRuler.Axle.LineStyle = 'none';
ax.YRuler.Axle.LineStyle = 'none';
Heart shaped legend (exclusive to pie charts)
function pie2HeartLegend(lgd)
% Heart shaped legend for pie chart
% Copyright (c) 2023, Zhaoxu Liu / slandarer
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Zhaoxu Liu / slandarer (2023). pretty legend
% (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/132128-pretty-legend),
% MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 2023/7/9.
% =========================================================================
if nargin<1
ax = gca;
lgd = get(ax,'Legend');
% 心形曲线(Heart curve)
x = -1:1/100:1;
y1 = 0.6 * abs(x) .^ 0.5 + ((1 - x .^ 2) / 2) .^ 0.5;
y2 = 0.6 * abs(x) .^ 0.5 - ((1 - x .^ 2) / 2) .^ 0.5;
XX = [x, flip(x),x(1)]./3.4+.5;
YY = ([y1, y2,y1(1)]-.2)./2+.5;
Ind = [1:(length(XX)-1);2:length(XX)];
Ind = Ind(:).';
% 获取图例图标(Get Legend Icon)
lgdEntryChild = lgd.EntryContainer.NodeChildren;
iconSet = arrayfun(@(lgdEntryChild)lgdEntryChild.Icon.Transform.Children.Children,lgdEntryChild,UniformOutput=false);
% 基础边框句柄(Base Border Handle)
newEdgeHdl = matlab.graphics.primitive.world.LineStrip();
newEdgeHdl.AlignVertexCenters = 'off';
newEdgeHdl.Layer = 'front';
newEdgeHdl.ColorBinding = 'object';
newEdgeHdl.LineWidth = .8;
newEdgeHdl.LineJoin = 'miter';
newEdgeHdl.WideLineRenderingHint = 'software';
newEdgeHdl.ColorData = uint8([38;38;38;0]);
newEdgeHdl.VertexData = single([XX;YY;XX.*0]);
newEdgeHdl.VertexIndices = uint32(Ind);
% 基础多边形面句柄(Base Patch Handle)
newFaceHdl = matlab.graphics.primitive.world.TriangleStrip();
Ind = [1:(length(XX)-1);ones(1,length(XX)-1).*(length(XX)+1);2:length(XX)];
Ind = Ind(:).';
newFaceHdl.PickableParts = 'all';
newFaceHdl.Layer = 'middle';
newFaceHdl.ColorBinding = 'object';
newFaceHdl.ColorType = 'truecoloralpha';
newFaceHdl.ColorData = uint8(255*[1;1;1;.6]);
newFaceHdl.VertexData = single([XX,.5;YY,.5;XX.*0,0]);
newFaceHdl.VertexIndices = uint32(Ind);
% 替换图例图标(Replace Legend Icon)
for i = 1:length(iconSet)
oriEdgeHdl = iconSet{i}(1);
tNewEdgeHdl = copy(newEdgeHdl);
tNewEdgeHdl.ColorData = oriEdgeHdl.ColorData;
tNewEdgeHdl.Parent = oriEdgeHdl.Parent;
oriEdgeHdl.Visible = 'off';
oriFaceHdl = iconSet{i}(2);
tNewFaceHdl = copy(newFaceHdl);
tNewFaceHdl.ColorData = oriFaceHdl.ColorData;
tNewFaceHdl.Parent = oriFaceHdl.Parent;
oriFaceHdl.Visible = 'off';
Usage examples
clc; clear; close all
% 生成随机点(Generate random points)
X = [1 3 0.5 2.5 2];
pieHdl = pie(X);
% 修饰饼状图(Decorate pie chart)
colorList=[0.4941 0.5490 0.4118
0.9059 0.6510 0.3333
0.8980 0.6157 0.4980
0.8902 0.5137 0.4667
0.4275 0.2824 0.2784];
for i = 1:2:length(pieHdl)
for i = 2:2:length(pieHdl)
pieHdl(i).FontName='Times New Roman';
lgd=legend('FontSize',13,'FontName','Times New Roman','TextColor',[1,1,1].*.3);
I found this list on Book Authority about the top MATLAB books: https://bookauthority.org/books/best-matlab-books
My favorite book is Accelerating MATLAB Performance - 1001 tips to speed up MATLAB programs. I always pick something up from the book that helps me out.
A key aspect to masting MATLAB Graphics is getting a hang of the MATLAB Graphics Object Hierarchy which is essentially the structure of MATLAB figures that is used in the rendering pipeline. The base object is the Graphics Root (see groot) which contains the Figure. The Figure contains Axes or other containers such as a Tiled Chart Layout (see tiledlayout). Then these Axes can contain graphics primatives (the objects that contain data and get rendered) such as Lines or Patches.
Every graphics object has two important properties, the "Parent" and "Children" properties which can be used to access other objects in the tree. This can be very useful when trying to customize a pre-built chart (such as adding grid lines to both axes in an eye diagram chart) or when trying to access the axes of a non-current figure via a primative (so "gca" doesn't help out).
One last Tip and Trick with this is that you can declare graphics primatives without putting them on or creating an Axes by setting the first input argument to "gobjects(0)" which is an empty array of placeholder graphics objects. Then, when you have an Axes to plot the primitive on and are ready to render it, you can set the "Parent" of the object to your new Axes.
For Example:
l = line(gobjects(0), 1:10, 1:10);
l.Parent = gca;
Practicing navigating and exploring this tree will help propel your understanding of plotting in MATLAB.
Mike Croucher
Mike Croucher
Last activity 2024-1-29

One of my colleauges, Michio, recently posted an implementation of Pong Wars in MATLAB
Making me wonder about variations. What might the resulting patterns look with differing numbers of balls? Different physics etc?
Hans Scharler
Hans Scharler
Last activity 2024-1-29

We are excited to unveil the ‘Open in MATLAB Online from File Exchange’ feature, which offers MATLAB users a new way to open File Exchange content!
Previously, to experiment with File Exchange code, you were required to download the file and execute it in MATLAB. But now, there's a quicker and easier way to explore the code!
You will find the ‘Open in MATLAB Online’ button next to the ‘Download’ button (see the screenshot below). A simple click transports you directly into the MATLAB Online workflow. It's that straightforward and effortless.
We strongly encourage you to try this new feature. Please share your questions, comments, or ideas by responding to this post!
This was a very popular post at the time - many thousands of views. Clearly everyone cares about ODEs in MATLAB.
This made me wonder. If you could wave a magic wand, what ODE functionality would you have next and why?
Over at Reddit, a MATLAB user asked about when to use a script vs. a live script. How would you answer this?
Starting with MATLAB can be daunting, but the right resources make all the difference. In my experience, the combination of MATLAB Onramp and Cody offers an engaging start.
MATLAB Onramp introduces you to MATLAB's basic features and workflows. Then practice your coding skill on Cody. Challenge yourself to solve 1 basic problem every day for a month! This consistent practice can significantly enhance your proficiency.
What other resources have helped you on your MATLAB journey? Share your recommendations and let's create a comprehensive learning path for beginners!
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I would tell myself to understand vectorization. MATLAB is designed for operating on whole arrays and matrices at once. This is often more efficient than using loops.
Matt J
Matt J
Last activity 2024-1-29

Is there a reason for TMW not to invest in 3D polyshapes? Is the mathematical complexity of having all the same operations in 3D (union, intersection, subtract,...) prohibitive?
American style football
Soccer / football
tennis or golf
rugby, track, cricket, racing, etc.
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You reached this milestone by providing valuable contribution to the community since you started answering questions in Since September 2018.
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MATLAB Central Team
Quick answer: Add set(hS,'Color',[0 0.4470 0.7410]) to code line 329 (R2023b).
Explanation: Function corrplot uses functions plotmatrix and lsline. In lsline get(hh(k),'Color') is called in for cycle for each line and scatter object in axes. Inside the corrplot it is also called for all axes, which is slow. However, when you first set the color to any given value, internal optimization makes it much faster. I chose [0 0.4470 0.7410], because it is a default color for plotmatrix and corrplot and this setting doesn't change a behavior of corrplot.
Suggestion for a better solution: Add the line of code set(hS,'Color',[0 0.4470 0.7410]) to the function plotmatrix. This will make not only corrplot faster, but also any other possible combinations of plotmatrix and get functions called like this:
h = plotmatrix(A);
% set(h,'Color',[0 0.4470 0.7410])
for k = 1:length(h(:))