ASME will be hosting a four-part conversation series from March 22-25, that will educate and equip mechanical engineers with workforce strategies. The series will bring together leaders and industry experts in education to explore which new skills will be taught to young engineers, what training mid-career engineers need in order to return to work as the pandemic subsides, and how much more can be done to confront the labor and skills gap in 2021 and beyond.
I was honored to be asked to participate in the first panel discussion along with distinguished faculty from MIT and the University of Colorado Boulder. I would encourage all of our customers involved in online teaching and learning to attend. More details on the panel discussion that features MathWorks response to COVID-19 are below:
The Evolution of Engineering Education Post-COVID-19 (March 22): The transition to remote learning was a shock for many universities and colleges across the country. Professors had to transform their in-person lecture into an engaging online class, and students had to take on more self-learning responsibilities. What impact will this change in teaching have on the future of education? This conversation will focus on the shift to online education at universities, the digital engineering skills students will need to learn, and how academia and industry can work together to prepare the young engineers entering the workforce.
The Evolution of Engineering Education Post-COVID-19 : https://app.webinar.net/vlOW9kK90wm?mcc=EDIT
I just started my MPhil in power systems and we are doing load flow analysis. I am completely lost throughout the gauss seidel and newton Raphson methods using MatLab. can I get help, please?
This is a great presentation from 2 professors introducing how they use MATLAB in their physics courses. MATLAB Grader and Live Scripts are discussed in detail.
Here is the abstract:
Guest Presenters: Michele McColgan, Siena College and Duncan Carlsmith, UW Madison
The meeting will start with short presentations, and then we'll have time for questions and discussion in a colloquial setting. The presenters use MATLAB in their courses, and this meeting will provide a good opportunity to see the functionality that MATLAB affords. However, the presenters' approach to integrating computation is relevant generally; thus, this meeting should be of great interest, even if you are not a MATLAB user.
Webinar from PICUP .
Prof. Duarte Antunes from Eindhoven University of Technology explains how he's been using MATLAB live scripts for teaching an online "Optimal Control and Dynamic Programming" course.
WiDS Datathon 2021 is going on right now. The focus of the Datathon this year is "on creating models to classify whether patients have been diagnosed with a certain type of diabetes." You can register and participate until March 1.
Also, take a look at this blog post on the MATLAB benchmark code for this datathon.
MATLAB Benchmark Code for WiDS Datathon 2021
There are also various online challenges by MathWorks that students may be interested. Here are the winners from last year's Simulink Student Challenge. There was also a MATLAB Online Live Editor Challenge a couple of years ago.
Hello , I wonder how to determine continous or discrete time modelling.For example if I want to run my model in MCU in this case discrete model is suitable?I am a bit confused
Here's an example of virtualizing a lab course.
I am currently working on simulink online but I cannot maximize the screen
Just making sure people are aware of our new Onramp courses. These are great self-learning resources for students.
Released a few months ago:
Released this month:
How do you teach subjects like Programming and Numerical Computing hands-on in these challenging times?
Prof Chiranjoy Chattopadhyay at the Dept of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Jodhpur shares his innovative approach to teaching at a distance in this new Technical Article on Teaching Parallel Computing Online with MATLAB.
The course utilized MATLAB Online , MATLAB Onramp and MATLAB Grader to train students in the basics of technical computing, in addition to using a Hands-on Online GPU workshop organised with the MathWorks Education Team. As a result of this approach to distance teaching, the students have reported good levels of understanding in the main learning outcomes of this course, as indicated in the survey results (below):
Please consider trying out the links above to check if your course might benefit from a similar approach, and feel free to message us if you are interested in learning more.
I just highlighted an app on File Exchange for emulating an experiment. Great idea for doing lab classes with software. What I like about this app is that it incorporates statistical variance and measurement noise that comes from physical experiments.
Read more about it here:
I would like to plot 2 discrete vectors on one graph created as follows: u=1; X={u,2*u,3*u,4*u,5*u,6*u,7*u,8*u,9*u}; Y={u,3*u,5*u,-u,-6*u,u-u,u^2,u^3,u^4}; stem(X,Y) unfortunately system returns error how to do it properly?
Here's a short article describing how educators from UNSW have used Live Scripts to help students understand mathematical models. Interactive live scripts allow students to experiment and understand concepts through trial and error. The article also explains how the scripts helped provide an enriched online learning experience for the students.
Do you use Live Scripts in your teaching?
I often code snippets to students in the question description. I would like the students to be able to copy and paste these from the description into their solution, obviously all on the same web page. I thought this was the case before, but now Ctrl+C/V do not work and when I right click there is no copy/paste options. Is this not possible?
One great thing about IoT projects is they are connected to the internet, and that creates an opportunity to collaborate at a distance. Here are resources to help you teach classes that involve remote learning.
- Record and visualize your experiment's data in ThingSpeak channels. For example, this public soil monitor channel shows measurements from a sensor connected to a plant. You can see the ThingSpeak example pages for help getting your experiment connected.
- If you don’t have your own equipment see one of our 1,000,000 existing channels. Check out over 200,000 public channels at ThingSpeak.com.
- Use the fitvirus program to fit COVID-19 data. You can download the fitvirus code on File Exchange. You can get your own data or download statistics from a public ThingSpeak channel with COVID-19 data. For other COVID-19 related resources see COVID-19 Research and Development with MATLAB and Simulink
Figure 1: Fitvirus sample results.
When you can’t make it into the lab, use ThingSpeak to monitor and control your lab equipment for experiments and for teaching.
- When you use ThingSpeak channel values to control your hardware modes, students can run experiments from home, and even collaborate with others to control devices and collect data for analysis.
Figure 2: Sample ThingSpeak lab model.
- Build a simulation model to deploy on hardware and control it remotely. Watch this video to see how you can do both simulation and deployment in the same Simulink model. You can also download the models used in the video.
- Use ThingSpeak to analyze your data. Use the provided code templates (like this one for removing outliers from wind speed data) or custom MATLAB code to filter and analyze your data and schedule it to run at regular intervals.
regularFlag = isregular(data,'Time')
- Use ThingSpeak to Visualize your data. Consider a geographic plot to show location data with your measurements, or build your customized channel view.
I get students to create some figures in MATLAB Grader. Is there anyway the students can save the figure on their computer? I have tried savefig and that doesn't seem to do anything.
Take a look at this video on remote access robotics lab. It allows students to submit algorithms and have them run on a robot completely remotely.
Here (16:56) is where the submission process is explained.
Professor Christophe Demaziere from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden created a short course on nuclear reactor modeling.
- The course followed a flipped and hybrid approach last year but will most likely be taught entirely online in future due to Covid-19 pandemic.
- MATLAB Grader greatly facilitates the Online nature of Christophe's courses.
- Student Feedback was also very positive saying that they learned better compared to the traditional approach.
I'm trying to list out some videos, courses, and other links to learn more about Machine and Deep Learning. Here are some links to getting started with AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning with MATLAB:
Artificial Intelligence:
Machine Learning:
Data Analytics:
Neural Networks and Deep Learning:
If any of you are using other resources from the MathWorks website or elsewhere, please consider adding it below as a comment.