
Capital letters are obtained by capitalizing the LaTeX command for the lowercase version. Capital letters in grey are exceptions which have no LaTeX commands. For example, to produce a capital chi simply type X (this also applies for the lowercase omicron).
When two versions of the lowercase letter are available, a var prefix can be added to obtain the second version. For example, the two versions of epsilon are \epsilon and \varepsilon.
The code used to generate the table:
greeks = ...
{'ALPHA' 'A' '\alpha'
'BETA' 'B' '\beta'
'GAMMA' '\Gamma' '\gamma'
'DELTA' '\Delta' '\delta'
'EPSILON' 'E' {'\epsilon','\varepsilon'}
'ZETA' 'Z' '\zeta'
'ETA' 'H' '\eta'
'THETA' '\Theta' {'\theta','\vartheta'}
'IOTA' 'I' '\iota'
'KAPPA' 'K' '\kappa'
'LAMBDA' '\Lambda' '\lambda'
'MU' 'M' '\mu'
'NU' 'N' '\nu'
'XI' '\Xi' '\xi'
'OMICRON' 'O' 'o'
'PI' '\Pi' {'\pi','\varpi'}
'RHO' 'P' {'\rho','\varrho'}
'SIGMA' '\Sigma' {'\sigma','\varsigma'}
'TAU' 'T' '\tau'
'UPSILON' '\Upsilon' '\upsilon'
'PHI' '\Phi' {'\phi','\varphi'}
'CHI' 'X' '\chi'
'PSI' '\Psi' '\psi'
'OMEGA' '\Omega' '\omega'};
h = figure('units','pixels','pos',[300,100,620,620],'Color','w');
'Xtick',[],'Ytick',[],'Xlim',[0 6],'Ylim',[0,4]);
% Loop by column and row
for r = 1:4
for c = 1:6
el = (r-1)*6 + c;
% Title
% Color cap latter in grey or black
if strcmp(greeks{el,2}(1),'\')
clr = [0, 0, 0];
clr = [0.65, 0.65, 0.65];
% Cap letter
text(c-0.5,4.87-r,['$\rm{' greeks{el,2} '}$'],'Fonts',40,...
% Lowercase letter/s (if two variants)
if iscell(greeks{el,3})
text(c-0.75,4.48-r,['$' greeks{el,3}{1} '$'],'Fonts',20,...
text(c-0.25,4.48-r,['$' greeks{el,3}{2} '$'],'Fonts',20,...
% Latex command
text(c-0.5,4.3-r,['\' greeks{el,3}{1}],'Fonts',12,'FontN','FixedWidth',...
text(c-0.5,4.48-r,['$' greeks{el,3} '$'],'Fonts',20,...
text(c-0.5,4.3-r,['\' greeks{el,3}],'Fonts',12,'FontN','FixedWidth',...
% Print to pdf
export_fig greeks.pdf
And here is the link to the pdf on scribd: http://www.scribd.com/doc/159011120/Greek-alphabet-in-latex
Why should we use markups in the body of our questions?
The answer is a question: which of the two versions is more likely to be understood in a glimpse and has more chances to be answered by our readers?
< Consider the following question >
I have a vector of weights W=[10,20,30,50,23434,1,2.4,2] and a matrix A=rand(100,8) and I would like to find the row-wise weighted sum of A. I am proceeding in the following way: B=zeros(size(A)); for c=1:numel(W) B(:,c)=A(:,c)*W(c); end B=sum(B,2); Somehow I get huge numbers can you please help?
< Now, consider its formatted version >
I have a vector of weights W = [10,20,30,50,23434,1,2.4,2] and a matrix A = rand(100,8) and I would like to find the row-wise weighted sum of A.
I am proceeding in the following way:
B = zeros(size(A));
for c = 1:numel(W)
B(:,c) = A(:,c)*W(c);
B = sum(B,2);
Somehow I get huge numbers can you please help?
In alphabetical order by nickname, thanks for their suggestions to:
Walter Roberson
- 06 Aug 2011, 13:17 BST - created and added boldface.gif
- 06 Aug 2011, 14:59 BST - added italic.gif
- 06 Aug 2011, 18:58 BST - added index section
- 07 Aug 2011, 00:03 BST - added code.gif and tutorial series section
- 07 Aug 2011, 01:50 BST - added monospaced.gif, numlist.gif, bullist.gif and hyperlink.gif
- 13 Aug 2011, 14:27 BST - added motivation section
- 18 Aug 2011, 01:44 BST - added aknowledgments section and link to wish-list
Vote on Wish-list for MATLAB Answer sections my post if you think that a tutorial section on top of Answers could be useful.
Now, I am still a novice when it comes to programming. I believe MATLAB is definitely a great programming tool, one that I can play with, particularly, when I have free time.
I would love to hear from all answerers, what are the ways that can make one proficient in this field?
What is the best way to learn MATLAB at home without a tutor?