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It would be nice to have a function to shade between two curves. This is a common question asked on Answers and there are some File Exchange entries on it but it's such a common thing to want to do I think there should be a built in function for it. I'm thinking of something like
plotsWithShading(x1, y1, 'r-', x2, y2, 'b-', 'ShadingColor', [.7, .5, .3], 'Opacity', 0.5);
So we can specify the coordinates of the two curves, and the shading color to be used, and its opacity, and it would shade the region between the two curves where the x ranges overlap. Other options should also be accepted, like line with, line style, markers or not, etc. Perhaps all those options could be put into a structure as fields, like
plotsWithShading(x1, y1, options1, x2, y2, options2, 'ShadingColor', [.7, .5, .3], 'Opacity', 0.5);
the shading options could also (optionally) be a structure. I know it can be done with a series of other functions like patch or fill, but it's kind of tricky and not obvious as we can see from the number of questions about how to do it.
Does anyone else think this would be a convenient function to add?
My favorite image processing book is The Image Processing Handbook by John Russ. It shows a wide variety of examples of algorithms from a wide variety of image sources and techniques. It's light on math so it's easy to read. You can find both hardcover and eBooks on Amazon.com Image Processing Handbook
There is also a Book by Steve Eddins, former leader of the image processing team at Mathworks. Has MATLAB code with it. Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB
You might also want to look at the free online book http://szeliski.org/Book/