Fertilization optimization algorithm (FO)

版本 1.0.0 (2.9 KB) 作者: Hazim Nasir
Biologically inspired algorithms
152.0 次下载
更新时间 2021/12/22


This work, presents a novel optimizer called fertilization optimization algorithm, which is based on levy flight and random search within a search space. It is a biologically inspired algorithm by the fertilization of the egg in reproduction of mammals.
Kindly cite as:
Hazim Nasir Ghafil, Shaymaa Alsamia, and Károly Jármai." Fertilization optimization algorithm on CEC2015 and large scale problems", Pollack Periodica (2021), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1556/606.2021.00343.


Hazim Nasir Ghafil, Shaymaa Alsamia, and Károly Jármai." Fertilization optimization algorithm on CEC2015 and large scale problems", Pollack Periodica (2021), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1556/606.2021.00343.

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创建方式 R2021b
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