Array tool set

版本 (5.6 KB) 作者: Bill Winter
Set of tools to generalize several Matlab functions
1.3K 次下载
更新时间 2006/6/20


Working on large datasets, I noticed several ways that some common Matlab functions could be expedited, while at the same time generalizing their function. The functions are fairly self-explanatory, being fairly close to the original Matlab functions (detrend, hilbert,norm,normr/normc). An exception is nrank, which does not to my knowledge have a direct analog. nrank ranks data along a particular dimension.

Digging through the Central File Exchange, I see that a nnorm and nnormn have been duplicated in vnorm and unitize, respectively, so I acknowledge their authors Winston Smith and John D'Errico.


Bill Winter (2025). Array tool set (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

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创建方式 R14SP2
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版本 已发布 发行说明

Improvements to cyclomatic complexity, warnings, etc. as well as the addition of more tools.