PC-TAS: Phase Change Thermo-Acoustic Simulator

作者: wetlab Technion
A simulator for classical and phase change thermoacoustic devices, implementing a Drag & Drop interface using MATLAB
更新时间 2022/5/26
PC-TAS is a simulation software for 1D acoustics and thermoacoustics. Developed in the Water and Energy Technologies Laboratory, it is the only available simulation tool for phase-change thermoacoustics.
The software was written in MATLAB, and includes:
  • A robust Hybrid powell solver, outperforming MATLAB's nonlinear slovers (e.g fsolve)
  • An object oriented Structure, Highly modifiable
  • A friendly graphical user interface, including drag and drop capabilities, created using MATLAB App Designer
The app can be installed as a stand alone app or a MATLAB app, further instructions as well as Youtube tutorials can be found in the link


Yang R, Blanc N, Vardi A, Ouazana N., AND Ramon,G.Z. 2022. Pc-tas: A design environment for phase-change and classical thermoacoustic systems. SoftwareX . 34

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2021b
兼容 R2020b 到 R2021b 的版本
Windows macOS Linux

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