District heating system circuit simulator

版本 1.0.0 (5.0 MB) 作者: Federico Giai Pron
Tool usable for simulating the pressure and temperature behavior within a district heating system.
107.0 次下载
更新时间 2022/6/27
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Tool description
Here a tool usable for simulating district heating systems. Giving as input some pipes network properties like nodes position, network topology, diameters, etc. it will provide the trend of the pressure and temperature along the circuit, the mass / heat flow rates, etc.
Main features:
  • Non-linear solver based on Newton-raphson algorithm
  • Solution of the Colebrook-White equation
  • etc.
Main files:
  • Documentation / v01_UserGuide.pdf , for understanding how to run the tool
  • Documentation / v01_SolverDescription.pdf , for understanding how the solver works
  • Solver , to get tool scripts / functions
  • Validation , to get some examples on which the tool has been tested
Contacts: fedegp3105@gmail.com


Federico Giai Pron (2024). District heating system circuit simulator (https://github.com/FGP310592/DistrictHeatingSystemCircuitSimulatorDemo/releases/tag/1.0.0), GitHub. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2020a
与 R2020a 及更高版本兼容
Windows macOS Linux

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