
版本 1.0.3 (2.0 KB) 作者: yi yang
Tensor products between two tensors. It supports GPU computing
58.0 次下载
更新时间 2023/4/9


C = mytensorprod(A,B,dimA,dimB) returns the tensor product of tensors A and B. The arguments dimA and dimB are vectors that specify which dimensions to contract in A and B. The size of the output tensor is the size of the uncontracted dimensions of A followed by the size of the uncontracted dimensions of B.
C = mytensorprod(A,B,dim) specifies the same dimensions to contract in both A and B.
C = mytensorprod(A,B) returns the outer product between tensors A and B. This syntax is equivalent to using one of the previous syntaxes with dimA = dimB = [] or dim = []. The size of the output tensor is [size(A) size(B)].
C = mytensorprod(A,B,"all") returns the inner product between tensors A and B, which must be the same size. The output is a scalar.
A and B cannot have singleton dimensions.
mytensorprod is very similar to the built-in function tensorprod introduced in R2022a.
The differences are:
mytensorprod does not support singletons;
mytensorprod supports GPU computing. That is, A and B can be gpuArray. Note that, for GPU computing, single precision is suggested as the underlyingType of A and B. mytensorprod on GPU RTX 2080 could be 30 times faster than tensorprod on CPU i7-9700K.


yi yang (2024). mytensorprod (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2022a
Windows macOS Linux
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版本 已发布 发行说明

The built-in function "tensorprod" also supports GPU computing starting from MATLAB 2023a. If you have MATLAB 2023a or later version, please use "tensorprod" instead of "mytensorprod".


Fix the bug if A or B is a vector


Summary changed
