calculate the volume of tumor in logical image

版本 1.0.0 (1.4 KB) 作者: mohd akmal masud
To Compute the no. of voxel (==1) in logical/binary .mat file
5.0 次下载
更新时间 2022/10/23


%load your binary/logical image
load(logical.mat)%just example
Voxels = sum(labels(:)==1)
VoxelVol = sum((labels==1).*dV,'all');
%If you have varying size of the voxels, for example if the voxels in the first and last slices are larger than the ones in the centre, then you have to take that into account. For example if the size varies as:
[x,y,z] = meshgrid(1:130,1:130,1:36);
dV = 1 + 4/36^2*(z-18.5).^2;
% To just extract the tumor-flagged voxels from your imstack3-variable you can do just this:
Tumor_vals = imstack3(labels(:));
%If you need to find the location/indices of the tumors you can do:
[idx1] = find(labels(:));
[i1,i2,i3] = ind2sub(size(labels),idx1);
slice(double(imstack3),63,60,7),shading flat
hold on


mohd akmal masud (2024). calculate the volume of tumor in logical image (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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