Geomagnetic Field Intensity Data

版本 1.0.0 (48.8 KB) 作者: Sushanta
Computes plotss of a region defined by latitude and longitude taken as user input from 1900 to 2019.
47.0 次下载
更新时间 2022/11/11


The International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) is an internationally agreed upon mathematical model of the Earth's magnetic field. There are MATLAB resources that provide the magnetic field intensity at a point (see the acknowledgments section). These resources inspired me to write this extension. In this project I have merged the available resources so that we can compute geomagnetic data of a region defined by user given latitude and longitude. This includes past data as long as 1900 to the latest available coefficients data.
When new coefficients data is available we just have to add to the data file and run the scirpt as usual way.
The following files are provided:
Taken from IGRF13 Model by Drew Compston
-igrf.m: Computes Earth's magnetic field at a point(s).
-igrfline.m: Gives the coordinates along a magnetic field line starting at a given point.
-getigrfcoefs.m: Extracts coefficients from the .dat files provided on the IGRF website and saves them to a .mat file.
-igrfcoefs.mat: IGRF coefficients of the 12th IGRF generation (most recent as of 2015).
-loadigrfcoefs.m: Loads the proper IGRF coefficients at a given time (making the necessary interpolation).
-*grf*.dat: 12th generation IGRF coefficient data files.
-plotbline: Plots a magnetic field line.
-plotbearth: Plots a number of magnetic field lines.
-geod2ecef: Converts geodetic coordinates to ECEF coordinates.
-ecef2geod: Converts ECEF coordinates to geodetic.
We have added:
-coordinate_change.m: changes the altitude. latitude and longitude inputs to [x,y,z] coordinates as required as input in other file
-input_time.m: converts the date in a format required
-norm_data.m: computes the magnitude of magnetic field intensity in the region defined by the user inputs
-run_this_scripts: this is the file that connects every other files and users are required to run this scirpt only.
I have done it as part of my semester project. I hope to learn more and improve it time to time.


Sushanta (2024). Geomagnetic Field Intensity Data (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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创建方式 R2022b
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