Spatial Activity of an Image

版本 (1.7 KB) 作者: Bjoern Eskofier
Computes a spatial activity index for images
1.7K 次下载
更新时间 2006/9/14


I worked a lot with visual stimuli, and this function computes a measure for image activity, that is derived from the amount of edges in an image.
It was proposed in ITU-T Document P.910 for single images (see pages 12, 15, 22-24 in that document). Please change the code to your own needs.
Part of the results derived from this and other measures can be found in "Barkowsky, Eskofier: Influence of the presentation time on subjective votings of coded still images", ICIP 2006


Bjoern Eskofier (2024). Spatial Activity of an Image (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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