Create new DICOM RT file

版本 1.0.1 (1.5 KB) 作者: Lars Tolbod
Example function for creating new DICOM RT file using the Python module rs-utils within Matlab.
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更新时间 2023/3/9


Function to create a dicom RT file from binary masks using python rt-utils (
dcmIn Path for DICOM-series associated with the RT-structure
DICOM-series must have same dimensions as the binary masks
dcmOut Filename and path for the DICOM RT output file
mask Matlab Cell array of binary masks
names Matlab Cell array of ROI names
Tested with python-3.10.9 with pydicom, rs-utils and numPy in Matlab R2021a and R2022b


Lars Tolbod (2025). Create new DICOM RT file (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2022b
与 R2021a 及更高版本兼容
Windows macOS Linux

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bug fix
