
版本 1.0.0 (428.1 KB) 作者: Thor Andreassen
Determine the nearest point between an abitrary point in space and a given triangulated surface
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更新时间 2023/5/10


Determine the nearest point between an abitrary point in space and a given triangulated surface This code takes in a triangulated surface of faces and nodes/vertices such as those from an STL file. As well as, a list of arbitrary points in space and determines the nearest projection point and the distance to the surface for every point.

The main function is "fastPoint2TriMesh.m". An example of the function being used for a random set of points to a triangulated surface form a mensicus is shown in "test_fast_point2trimesh.m"

This code takes in a triangulated surface of faces and nodes/vertices such as those present in STLs. It then takes a set of arbitrary points in space and determines the nearest point on the triangulated surface to this point, as well as the distance away. This code is similar to an existing algoirthm by Daniel Frisch called "point2TriMesh", but is written more efficiently and provides significant speed increases.

 For example, to determine the projection
 of 10,000 points to the included example surface, the time in
 Point2TriMesh is approximately 100 seconds. Using this implementation
 the exact same points can be obtained in approximately 0.3 seconds
 without parallel computing and 0.18 seconds with parallel computing.
 Additionally, the proposed algorithm allows values to be stored
 allowing for subsequent computations to take less time.

 The algorithm works by either taking in or calculating the circle
 incenter of every triangle, as well as the normal direction to each
 face or calculating it. Additionally, it either takes in or
 calculates an initial KDTree for the original face incenters. The
 code then determines the nearest average face to every one of the
 inputted test/query points using a KNN Search and the previously
 created KDTree. These points are used to determine the initial
 distance and projection. The code then checks every projection point,
 and first ensures that it is inside the given triangle. If the
 calcualted projection point is outside of the triangle, the code
 determines the minimum distance to each of the face's 3 edges to the
 arbitrary point and then uses the minimum distance and correpsonding
 point as the projection. This is repeated for every point to get the
 distance, and projection point for every query point. The face
 normals are used to determine a positive or negative sign depending
 on whether the point is nearest the positive normal direction
 (outside) or the negative normal direction (inside)

 inputs.faces = (N x 3) the faces of the original triangulated surface (Required)
 inputs.nodes = (M x 3) the nodes or vertices of the original triangulated surface (Required)
 inputs.face_mean_nodes = (N x 3) the location of the incenter of each
                     triangle. This can either be calculated using "getTriInCenter.m" ahead
                     of time, or calculated herein.
 inputs.face_normals = (N x 3) the unit normal direction to each face.
                     This can either be calculated using "getFaceCenterAndNormals.m" ahead
                     of time, or calculated herein.
 inputs.tree_model = (model) the KDTree trained to each triangle
                     incenter using "KDTreeSearcher.m" This can either be calculated using "KDTreeSearcher.m"
                     ahead of time, or calculated herein.
 pts = (Q x 3) Arbitrary points that we are trying to project onto the
                     surface (Required)
 use_parallel = (0 or 1) A binary that determines whether to use (1) the parallel computing
                      or not use (0) the parallel computing. NOTE this requires the parallel computing toolbox(Required)

 distances= (Q x 1) The signed distance for each arbitary point (pts)
                     to the nearest point on the triangulated surface. Positive means the
                     point is off of the positive face normal, where as negative means the
                     point is nearest the opposite direction to the
                     face normal.
 project_pts= (Q x 3) The location of the projected point for each arbitary point (pts)
                     to the nearest point on the triangulated surface.
 outside= (Q x 1) A boolean array representing if the given point is on the positive direction
                     (1) or the negative direction (0) of the corresponding surface

 Written by Thor Andreassen
 University of Denver


Thor Andreassen (2024). Fast_Point2TriMesh (, GitHub. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2019a
Windows macOS Linux
标签 添加标签

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