Battery Cell Health Estimation Using Cycle Life Data

版本 1.0.0 (1.6 KB) 作者: recent works
Interpolate the data for a smooth curve and visualize the battery's capacity loss over different cycles.
126.0 次下载
更新时间 2023/7/28


How to estimate the health of a battery cell by analyzing cycle life data. The data consists of cycle life (the number of cycles) and the corresponding capacity loss in percentage. To create a smooth curve, we'll use interpolation techniques. The interpolated curve will provide us with a continuous estimation of the capacity loss for any number of cycles within a given range.
Step-by-step, we will cover:
  1. Importing the cycle life data and capacity loss data.
  2. Interpolating the data using MATLAB's 'interp1' function with the 'pchip' method.
  3. Visualizing the interpolated curve and original data points on a plot.
  4. Adding data point labels and annotations for important points on the curve.
  5. Providing insights into the estimated capacity loss at a specific number of cycles.


recent works (2024). Battery Cell Health Estimation Using Cycle Life Data (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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创建方式 R2013a
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