Matlab Shortcuts Creator

版本 (6.9 KB) 作者: Olivier
This function enables you to generate shortcuts to open external files
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更新时间 2007/3/20


This function generates shortcuts that enable you to launch files from the MATLAB® interface.

>> make_shortcuts
>> make_shortcuts(ext)
>> make_shortcuts(ext,subdir)
>> sc = make_shortcuts

make_shortcuts browse the directory where the function is stored look for
all PPT files under <subdirectory>\.

make_shortcuts(subdir) has the same behavior except that it will look for ext files under <subdirectory>.

make_shortcuts(ext,subdir) has the same behavior except that it will look for files under <subdirectory>\subdir that have the extension ext.

sc = make_shortcuts perform the same actions as the first syntax plus returns all the shortcuts codes for all directories.

How to use it?
Simply save the function file make_shortcuts.m in a directory that contains several directories with files under. Then call the function as shown above.

This function has been tested under R2006a, R2006b and R2007a.


Olivier (2024). Matlab Shortcuts Creator (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2007a
Windows macOS Linux
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