版本 (4.8 KB) 作者: Todd Pataky
Digitze points on an image using the mouse.
3.5K 次下载
更新时间 2007/4/18


DIGITIZE07(filename) displays an image and allows the user to digitize points using the mouse, similar to MATLAB's built-in GINPUT and other digitizers available at Matlab Central's File Exchange.

The main new feature of this version is that points are draggable; this permits fine tuning of already digitized points using the zoom feature. Other features adopted from previous versions include:
- Import previously digitized points
- Export digitized points to the workspace or file
- Interactively change the marker color, size, and shape
- Pin digitized points (i.e. toggle draggable mode)
- Delete unwanted points by right-clicking on the point
- Fully interactive GUI: Errors are reported to dialog boxes rather than to the Workspace


Todd Pataky (2025). DIGITIZE07 (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/14703-digitize07), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2007a
Windows macOS Linux
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参考作品: digitize2.m, draggable

启发作品: ginput2.m v3.1 (Nov 2009)

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