SGP30 eCO2 & TVOC sensor

版本 0.8 (9.0 KB) 作者: Eric Prandovsky
MATLAB + Arduino I2C SGP30 sensor support
49.0 次下载
更新时间 2023/11/17


Support for the SGP30 eCO2 and TVOC sensor
Create an arduino object with I2C.
serialDevices = serialportlist;
a = arduino(serialDevices(end),'Nano3','Libraries',{'I2C'});
Connecting to the SGP30
sgp30obj = sgp30(a);
Read the sensor values
SGPeCO2Data = sgp30.readEquivalentCarbondioxide;
SGPTVOCData = sgp30.readTotalVolatileOrganicCompounds


Eric Prandovsky (2024). SGP30 eCO2 & TVOC sensor (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2022b
兼容 R2022b 到 R2023b 的版本
Windows macOS Linux
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