SeisLab 3.01

版本 (2.9 MB) 作者: Eike Rietsch
Release 10.0301 of a collection of functions for analysis/display of seismic and well-log data.
23.4K 次下载
更新时间 2010/3/1


A set of about 170 functions (plus support functions called by them) for analysis and display of exploration-seismic data and well logs. These functions read and write seismic data in standard SEG-Y format, read and write well logs in LAS-format 2.0 (also read LAS-format 3.0), and perform many of the manipulations usually performed on these data types. They use standardized structures to represent seismic data and well data and thus allow simple concatenation of function calls.

The functions come with a manual in PDF format and scripts with examples. Several versions of Matlab were released during their development. Presently, I run them under R2007b, but I try not to use Matlab syntax introduced after R2007a. Also, SeisLab 2.01, which works with Matlab 6.1 (2001) and higher, can still be downloaded from the Matlab File Exchange (file 8827).

Generally, I make an effort to avoid functions from toolboxes; however, I am aware of at least one call to a function in the Optimization Toolbox.

In case you already have SeisLab installed you can find its distribution ID by typing "ddid" at the Matlab prompt. If you get the error message "Undefined function or variable 'ddid'." then you have the very first release of SeisLab. Otherwise, compare the distribution ID with that of this release. If it is lower then this release is newer.

Major changes in SeisLab 3.0:

Some functions require Matlab R2007a or higher.

Representation of seismic data and log data in single-precision or double-precision with trivial conversion from one into the other via overloaded functions "single" and "double". This means datasets can be about twice as big.

LAS-file reader rewritten; reads LAS 2.0 and 3.0 files;
the old LAS-file reader (LAS 2.0 only) is still available as "read_las2_file". It is somewhat faster.

SEG-Y file reader rewritten. For large files it is much faster than the previous one; even more so if IBM to IEEE conversion is required. The original SEG-Y reader is still available as "read_segy_file_legacy".

Display of volumes of seismic data in form of slices, contour slices, iso-surfaces ("s_volume_browser"). Slices can be static or animated. The volume-browser software is no longer included in this distribution as it is on a different update schedule. If you don't have it you can download the latest version from the Matlab File Exchange (file 13526).

Faster and more accurate seismic plots.

EXAMPLE (used to plot the attached figure):

% Read interactively selected SEG-Y file
seismic = read_segy_file;

% Make a volume plot of the data read


Eike Rietsch (2025). SeisLab 3.01 (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2007a
Windows macOS Linux
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版本 已发布 发行说明

Fixed typo in a function statement

Fixed a number of bugs (e.g. a bug in "write_segy_file" that showed up under Linux).
Added new option to "s_wplot".
Simplified parameter input.
More scripts with examples.
Updated and expanded manual.

Removed the last vestiges of the GNU license and added the manual, that had gone AWOL.

Replaced the GNU Lesser General Public License by the BSD License as required by The MathWorks.

Replaced the GNU Lesser General Public License by the BSD License as required by The MathWorks.

The usual collection of bug fixes, additional parameter options and error trapping for existing functions.