webColor に、色の一覧表示とクリックで色取得できるUIを付けてみました。
function customColorPicker()
% Define custom colors
webcolor = createWebColorStruct();
colorNames = fieldnames(webcolor);
customColors = struct2cell(webcolor);
numColors = length(customColors);
dh = 30;
h = floor(dh * (numColors + 2) / 5);
% Create a figure
f = figure('Position', [100, 100, 800, h+50]);
% Draw circle
ax = uiaxes(f,'Position',[600 h-200 120 120]);
rect = rectangle(ax,'Position',[0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5], ...
'Curvature',[1 1],FaceColor="b");
str1 = sprintf('Selected Color = %s',rgb2hex(rect.FaceColor)); % R2024a later
str2 = sprintf(' %.4f',rect.FaceColor);
text(600, h-200-130, {str1; str2}, "FontSize",100)
t = text(0.1, 0, {str1; str2}, "FontSize",12);
% Create buttons for each custom color
for i = 1:numColors
x = mod(i-1,5) * 100 + 20;
y = h - floor((i-1)/5) * dh;
if (hex2rgb(customColors{i}) * [0.3 0.6 0.1]') > 0.5
fcol = 'k';
fcol = 'w';
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', ...
'BackgroundColor', customColors{i}, ...
'ForegroundColor', fcol, ...
'FontWeight','bold', ...
'String', colorNames{i}, ...
'Position', [x, y, 100, dh], ...
'Callback', @(src, event) selectColor(customColors{i}, rect, t));
% Create a ColorPicker button
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', ...
'String', 'Open Color Picker', ...
'Position', [600, h-20, 120, 50], ...
'Callback', @(src, event) openColorPicker(rect, t));
function selectColor(color, rect, t)
rect.FaceColor = color;
% fprintf('Selected Color = %s\n',color);
% fprintf('%.4f ',validatecolor(color)); % R2020b later
% fprintf(newline)
str1 = sprintf('Selected Color = %s',color);
str2 = sprintf(' %.4f',validatecolor(color)); % R2020b later
t.String = {str1; str2};
function openColorPicker(rect, t)
color = uisetcolor();
if sum(color) ~= 0
disp(['Picked Color: ', num2str(color)]);
rect.FaceColor = color;
str1 = sprintf('Selected Color = %s',rgb2hex(color)); % R2024a later
str2 = sprintf(' %.4f',validatecolor(color)); % R2020b later
t.String = {str1; str2};
% Run the custom color picker
function webColor = createWebColorStruct()
webColor.aliceblue = "#f0f8ff";
webColor.antiquewhite = "#faebd7";
webColor.aqua = "#00ffff";
webColor.aquamarine = "#7fffd4";
webColor.azure = "#f0ffff";
webColor.beige = "#f5f5dc";
webColor.bisque = "#ffe4c4";
webColor.black = "#000000";
webColor.blanchedalmond = "#ffebcd";
webColor.blue = "#0000ff";
webColor.blueviolet = "#8a2be2";
webColor.brown = "#a52a2a";
webColor.burlywood = "#deb887";
webColor.cadetblue = "#5f9ea0";
webColor.chartreuse = "#7fff00";
webColor.chocolate = "#d2691e";
webColor.coral = "#ff7f50";
webColor.cornflowerblue = "#6495ed";
webColor.cornsilk = "#fff8dc";
webColor.crimson = "#dc143c";
webColor.cyan = "#00ffff";
webColor.darkblue = "#00008b";
webColor.darkcyan = "#008b8b";
webColor.darkgoldenrod = "#b8860b";
webColor.darkgray = "#a9a9a9";
webColor.darkgreen = "#006400";
webColor.darkkhaki = "#bdb76b";
webColor.darkmagenta = "#8b008b";
webColor.darkolivegreen = "#556b2f";
webColor.darkorange = "#ff8c00";
webColor.darkorchid = "#9932cc";
webColor.darkred = "#8b0000";
webColor.darksalmon = "#e9967a";
webColor.darkseagreen = "#8fbc8f";
webColor.darkslateblue = "#483d8b";
webColor.darkslategray = "#2f4f4f";
webColor.darkturquoise = "#00ced1";
webColor.darkviolet = "#9400d3";
webColor.deeppink = "#ff1493";
webColor.deepskyblue = "#00bfff";
webColor.dimgray = "#696969";
webColor.dodgerblue = "#1e90ff";
webColor.firebrick = "#b22222";
webColor.floralwhite = "#fffaf0";
webColor.forestgreen = "#228b22";
webColor.fuchsia = "#ff00ff";
webColor.gainsboro = "#dcdcdc";
webColor.ghostwhite = "#f8f8ff";
webColor.gold = "#ffd700";
webColor.goldenrod = "#daa520";
webColor.gray = "#808080";
webColor.green = "#008000";
webColor.greenyellow = "#adff2f";
webColor.honeydew = "#f0fff0";
webColor.hotpink = "#ff69b4";
webColor.indianred = "#cd5c5c";
webColor.indigo = "#4b0082";
webColor.ivory = "#fffff0";
webColor.khaki = "#f0e68c";
webColor.lavender = "#e6e6fa";
webColor.lavenderblush = "#fff0f5";
webColor.lawngreen = "#7cfc00";
webColor.lemonchiffon = "#fffacd";
webColor.lightblue = "#add8e6";
webColor.lightcoral = "#f08080";
webColor.lightcyan = "#e0ffff";
webColor.lightgoldenrodyellow = "#fafad2";
webColor.lightgreen = "#90ee90";
webColor.lightgray = "#d3d3d3";
webColor.lightpink = "#ffb6c1";
webColor.lightsalmon = "#ffa07a";
webColor.lightseagreen = "#20b2aa";
webColor.lightskyblue = "#87cefa";
webColor.lightslategray = "#778899";
webColor.lightsteelblue = "#b0c4de";
webColor.lightyellow = "#ffffe0";
webColor.lime = "#00ff00";
webColor.limegreen = "#32cd32";
webColor.linen = "#faf0e6";
webColor.magenta = "#ff00ff";
webColor.maroon = "#800000";
webColor.mediumaquamarine = "#66cdaa";
webColor.mediumblue = "#0000cd";
webColor.mediumorchid = "#ba55d3";
webColor.mediumpurple = "#9370db";
webColor.mediumseagreen = "#3cb371";
webColor.mediumslateblue = "#7b68ee";
webColor.mediumspringgreen = "#00fa9a";
webColor.mediumturquoise = "#48d1cc";
webColor.mediumvioletred = "#c71585";
webColor.midnightblue = "#191970";
webColor.mintcream = "#f5fffa";
webColor.mistyrose = "#ffe4e1";
webColor.moccasin = "#ffe4b5";
webColor.navajowhite = "#ffdead";
webColor.navy = "#000080";
webColor.oldlace = "#fdf5e6";
webColor.olive = "#808000";
webColor.olivedrab = "#6b8e23";
webColor.orange = "#ffa500";
webColor.orangered = "#ff4500";
webColor.orchid = "#da70d6";
webColor.palegoldenrod = "#eee8aa";
webColor.palegreen = "#98fb98";
webColor.paleturquoise = "#afeeee";
webColor.palevioletred = "#db7093";
webColor.papayawhip = "#ffefd5";
webColor.peachpuff = "#ffdab9";
webColor.peru = "#cd853f";
webColor.pink = "#ffc0cb";
webColor.plum = "#dda0dd";
webColor.powderblue = "#b0e0e6";
webColor.purple = "#800080";
webColor.rebeccapurple = "#663399";
webColor.red = "#ff0000";
webColor.rosybrown = "#bc8f8f";
webColor.royalblue = "#4169e1";
webColor.saddlebrown = "#8b4513";
webColor.salmon = "#fa8072";
webColor.sandybrown = "#f4a460";
webColor.seagreen = "#2e8b57";
webColor.seashell = "#fff5ee";
webColor.sienna = "#a0522d";
webColor.silver = "#c0c0c0";
webColor.skyblue = "#87ceeb";
webColor.slateblue = "#6a5acd";
webColor.slategray = "#708090";
webColor.snow = "#fffafa";
webColor.springgreen = "#00ff7f";
webColor.steelblue = "#4682b4";
webColor.tan = "#d2b48c";
webColor.teal = "#008080";
webColor.thistle = "#d8bfd8";
webColor.tomato = "#ff6347";
webColor.turquoise = "#40e0d0";
webColor.violet = "#ee82ee";
webColor.wheat = "#f5deb3";
webColor.white = "#ffffff";
webColor.whitesmoke = "#f5f5f5";
webColor.yellow = "#ffff00";
webColor.yellowgreen = "#9acd32";
Hiroshi Iwamura (2024). customColorPicker (web color) (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/173785-customcolorpicker-web-color), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .
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