3D Cube Slice

版本 (21.3 KB) 作者: Oren Rosen
Enables reading 2 dim slices of 3 dim matrix stored in MAT file
1.7K 次下载
更新时间 2016/9/1


This project demonstrates a simple example of extracting a 2-dim slice of a 3-dim matrix stored in a MAT file without needing to read in the entire MAT file. This may be useful when the full 3-dim matrix is large and uses to much MATLAB memory and only individual 2-dim slices are needed at any given time. The user can extract slices at any index along all 3 dimensions.
There is a significant restriction:

1) Requires that the MAT file is stored in the version 6 format with no compression (using -v6 option in "save")

The implementation uses the "where" function written by Malcolm Lidierth. His code is included in this zip file.

Stuart McGarrity was an invaluable resource in the inspiration and implementation of this example.

See the included Readme.doc file for more information


Oren Rosen (2025). 3D Cube Slice (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/17992-3d-cube-slice), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2006a
Windows macOS Linux
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