
版本 (3.7 KB) 作者: Jesse Lai
Create a password entry dialog for entering a password that is visibly hidden
5.0K 次下载
更新时间 2008/6/17


Create a password entry dialog for entering a password that is visibly hidden. Java must be enabled for this function to work properly.

It has only been tested on the Windows platform in MATLAB R2008a. It should work in R2007a or later.

The password box is created using the Java Swing component JPasswordField.

NOTE: The password is only visibly hidden and can be accessed in memory.


Jesse Lai (2025). passwordEntryDialog (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2008a
Windows macOS Linux
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版本 已发布 发行说明

Updated to remove requirement for uicomponent function written by Yair Altman. Now, the Java components are created manually and the undocumented feature javacomponent is used.