STL File Reader
In addition to the STLREAD import function, this submission also includes a small demo that loads an STL model of a human femur bone.
FV = STLREAD(FILENAME) imports triangular faces from the binary STL file
indicated by FILENAME, and returns the patch struct FV, with fields 'faces'
and 'vertices'.
[F,V] = STLREAD(FILENAME) returns the faces F and vertices V separately.
[F,V,N] = STLREAD(FILENAME) also returns the face normal vectors.
The faces and vertices are arranged in the format used by the PATCH plot
Eric Johnson (2025). STL File Reader (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .
MATLAB 版本兼容性
Windows macOS Linux类别
- MATLAB > Data Import and Analysis >
- Physical Modeling > Simscape Multibody > Model Import >
- MATLAB > Data Import and Analysis > Data Import and Export > Standard File Formats > STL (STereoLithography) >
启发作品: User-controlled 3D Airplane Animation -- Set of examples, stlTools, Brain Projections, Binary STL file reader, Polarizability_GUI5
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