Search for files and directories under a given folder with recursive and filter options
874.0 次下载
更新时间 2009/7/8


Here is the help comments for the file which will provide an overview.

% SEARCHFILE search for files and/or directories under a given folder
% Syntax
% list = searchfile('dir', 'filter', 'recflag')
% 'dir'(Optional) -
% The source directory where to search. If not specified,
% current working directory will be used
% 'filter'(Optional) -
% File filter('*.txt', 'ABC*.*' etc)
% 'recflag'(Optional) -
% 1 = Recurse into subdirectory, otherwise look only in
% the specified/current directory
% Eg: list = searchfile('C:\Temp', '*.txt', 1);
% list = searchfile('*.txt', 1);
% list = searchfile(1);
% Return value : Structure with following fields
% 'name' - Name of the file/directory
% 'path' - Path to the file/directory
% 'fullpath' - Full path of the file/directory including its
% name
% 'isdir' - Flag indicates whether a directory or file
% 1 = Directory, 0 = File


Rahul Prem Nazeer (2024). SEARCHFILE (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2007b
Windows macOS Linux
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版本 已发布 发行说明

updated for argument check

Updated to correct an issue regarding argument check