Bland Altman Plot

版本 (1.6 KB) 作者: David Cumin
Plots a Bland Altman plot. You can control what is and what is not plotted through 'flag'.
3.2K 次下载
更新时间 2009/7/5


%%%Plots a Bland-Altman Plot
%%% var1 and var2 - vectors of the measurements
%%%flag - how much you want to plot
%%% 0 = no plot
%%% 1 = just the data
%%% 2 = data and the difference and CR lines
%%% 3 = above and a linear fit
%%% means = the means of the data
%%% diffs = the raw differences
%%% meanDiff = the mean difference
%%% CR = the 2SD confidence limits
%%% linfit = the paramters for the linear fit


David Cumin (2024). Bland Altman Plot (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2006b
Windows macOS Linux
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