fig2texPS - Export Matlab Figure to LaTeX

版本 (299.3 KB) 作者: Peter Scholz
V053 - Conversion of a Matlab figure to a LaTeX file with PSTricks compatible macros
7.6K 次下载
更新时间 2010/11/3


The aim of this function is to create a tex-code picture of a Matlab figure in PSTricks syntax. The tex-file picture can still be adapted after creation and may be either a standalone tex-file or a file to be included in a larger document. The LaTeX packages pstricks, pst-node, pst-plot, pst-circ and moredefs are required. An minimal example latex code is generated at each time this script is run. The matlab code is based on the fig2tex file by Ercan Solak in 2005.

You can also download the latest version on

Supported Features:

* 2D plots with arbitrary number of lines and patches
* Linear and logarithmic axes and second y-axis
* Grids, subgrids, ticks and subticks
* Arbitrary colors, linestyles and markers
* Labels, title, legend and colorbar
* Annotations (TextArrows) are supported
* GUI, where the fontsize, the plotsize and the export file can be set
* Lines with many datapoints can be compressed in order to reduce file size and compilation time (copied from Matfig2PGF by Paul Wagenaars in 2008)
* Convergence Triangles can be shown for logarithmic plots
* Support of additional code in PSTricks syntax
* Standalone Option for creating high quality cropped pdf-files


Peter Scholz (2024). fig2texPS - Export Matlab Figure to LaTeX (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2010a
Windows macOS Linux
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参考作品: fig2tex, Matfig2PGF

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版本 已发布 发行说明

* dataplot -> psline replaced, option linejoin=1 introduced
* marker more bold
* enhancement for patches which are cut at the axes limits
* Colorbar enhancement
* Support of TextBoxes
* Small bugfixes

New features implemented

Enhanced Features implemented

Link updated:

Changes to Version 0.42:
* More possible locations for the legends
* Linewidths of the global struct can now also be strings
* Linestyles adapted
* Enhancements for TextArrows
* Questiondialog, if the tex file already exists
* Small bugfixes

Warning, if the 'DefaultFigureWindowStyle' is 'docked'