Trim leading/trailing repeated values

版本 (2.6 KB) 作者: Oleg Komarov
Numeric vector/2D matrix. Trims leading, trailing or both sides; operates columnwise or row-wise.
464.0 次下载
更新时间 2013/9/4


Trims leading/trailing repeated values of a series of numbers

TRIMREPLT(IN) Single input syntax
- In : numeric vector/2D matrix

TRIMREPLT(IN, DIM) Trims along the dimension specified by dim
- dim : scalar, numeric and integer value (or empty)
1 --> trims columnwise (DEFAULT)
2 --> trims row-wise

TRIMREPLT(IN, DIM, MODE) Which side to trim
- mode : char (or empty)
'l' --> trim leading repeated values
't' --> trim trailing repeated values (DEFAULT)
'lt'--> trim both sides

OUT = ...
- Same class/size as In. Leading/trailing repeated values (according to 'mode' argument)
are replaced with NaN values.
Given a vector IN and MODE = 't', IN(x+1) is considered a repeated value of IN(x) only
if IN(x+1:end) == NANMEAN(IN(x+1:end)).
The value IN(x) will be left unchanged.

See attahced image for examples.

Comments/suggestions/error reports are welcome.



Oleg Komarov (2025). Trim leading/trailing repeated values (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

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版本 已发布 发行说明

Added forward 'legacy' compatibility due to change in ismember behaviour.

Added link to FEX page inside the help