A simple function to measure the statistical dispersion of a distribution. This statistic is commonly used to assess inequality in income or wealth.
The coefficients ranges from 1 (total inequality, one person receives ALL) to 0 (total equality, everyone receives the same amount).
The function ignores NaNs and can be computed with or without sample correction.
(1) GINICOEFF(IN) One input syntax, columwise gini coeffs.
(2) GINICOEFF(...,DIM) Dim along which to compute the coeff (1 or 2)
(3) GINICOEFF(...,NOSAMPLECORR) Don't apply sample correction
-- coeff : n by 1 vector with gini coefficients where n is the number of series in In.
-- IDX : n by 1 logical index. True means that the computation of the gini coefficient for that series has been skipped due to negative values or insufficient elements (less than 2).
NOTE: this statistical measure is meant to be applied only on positive values. If a series contains negative values or the elements of the less than 2, the coefficient yields NaN and a warning is issued if IDX is not called explicitly.
Oleg Komarov (2025). okomarov/ginicoeff (https://github.com/okomarov/ginicoeff), GitHub. 检索时间: .
MATLAB 版本兼容性
Windows macOS Linux类别
- AI and Statistics > Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox > Probability Distributions > Continuous Distributions > Noncentral F Distribution >
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版本 | 已发布 | 发行说明 | |
---|---|---|---| | Moved to github
| | Per Jos (10584) suggestion: sample correction is now the default; if elements in a series < 2 --> NaN. Edited help. Added link to FEX page. |
|| | Edited description |
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