Delay Vector Variance Method

版本 (38.2 KB) 作者: Temu
The DVV method for characterisation of time series and signal nonlinearity detection.
2.8K 次下载
更新时间 2003/5/8


The Delay Vector Variance (DVV) method characterises a time series in a
standardised way on the basis of its predictability in phase space, by
means of a so-called `DVV-plot'. By itself, these DVV-plots can be
used for time series clustering, as has been shown in Gautama et al.,
2003a for EEG signals. In the context of signal nonlinearity testing,
it can be used in combination with the `surrogate data' method (e.g.,
Schreiber and Schmitz, 2000), namely by characterising the `original'
time series and a number of `surrogates', and statistically testing
whether they are different (Gautama et al., 2003b).


Temu (2024). Delay Vector Variance Method (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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创建方式 R13
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版本 已发布 发行说明

Corrected a bug (in some situations, the mex file core dumped)