step - up cyclo-converter

版本 (23.7 KB) 作者: siraj pasha
Cyclo-converter is a device which controls the input frequency to a desired level of frequency.
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更新时间 2013/2/11


Cyclo-converters have great demand in the present modern control systems where speed control of induction motors in electric traction(v/f method) is carried out using cyclo-converters.

Cyclo-converters are of two types 1. Step Up cycloconverter 2. Step Down cycloconverter.

The submission is regarding step up cyclo-converter where i/p freq. 50Hz is stepped up to 300Hz,converter consists of GTO's which are carefully triggered using signal builder.

Simulink users can always feel free to convey there criticism and suggestions !!


siraj pasha (2024). step - up cyclo-converter (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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创建方式 R2012a
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版本 已发布 发行说明

The submission is regarding step up cyclo-converter where i/p freq. 50Hz is stepped up to 300Hz,converter consists of GTO's which are carefully triggered using signal builder.