Get Geometric Location and Other Information

版本 (83.0 KB) 作者: Semin Ibisevic
Tracks down your geometric coordinates and other information on the base of the IP address
1.0K 次下载
更新时间 2012/4/13


The function 'getGeoInformation' retrieves your geometric information (such as latitude and longitude), by automatically tracking down your computer's IP. Additionally you can input a different IP address.

For example

geo = getGeoInformation


IP: ''
country: 'Italy'
region: 'Lazio'
city: 'Rome'
usZIPCode: []
usAreaCode: []
usMetroCode: []
lat: '41.9000'
long: '12.4833'
isp: 'IUnet'
organization: 'IUnet'

I included also some examples of functions that use geometric coordinates. For instance, you can determine the current weather (see Sagar Aiya) or the position of the sun (see Vincent Roy).


Semin Ibisevic (2024). Get Geometric Location and Other Information (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2010a
Windows macOS Linux
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