
Approximate test of equality of means when variances are heterogeneous.
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更新时间 2004/8/16


Games-Howell's approximate test of equality of means from normal population when variances are heterogeneous. It is a related test associated to the Behrens-Fisher problem.

It uses the Tukey's studentized range with specially weighted average degrees of freedom (df') and a standard error based on the averages of the variances of the means. Basically it realizes unplanned comparisions among pairs of means using the Games and Howell method. For the statistical test the function calls the file qTukey.m

File needs to input the data matrix [1=yes (default); 2=no (If not, you must to give the statistics matrix] and the significance level (default = 0.05).

It Outputs a complete table of the statistical analysis of the difference between each pair of means.


Antonio Trujillo-Ortiz (2025). GHtest (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

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创建方式 R11
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启发作品: pierremegevand/games_howell

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line 198 was improved.