Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) models

版本 (19.7 KB) 作者: Leonidas Bantis
Fits accelerated failure time models in the presence of right and/or left censoring.
1.1K 次下载
更新时间 2012/9/12


The “aft” function fits models of the form:


where usually T is a time to event variable and g0, g1, ... and sigma are to be estimated. Since T is a time to event variable censoring might be involved. The “aft” function deals with possibly right and/or left censored data. With "sigma" we denote the scale parameter, and the regression coefficients are denoted by vector g=[g0 g1 g2...]. The covariates are denoted with Z1, Z2, ...

The distribution of "epsilon" defines the distribution of T. The user can specify this distribution using one of the following available options:
Exponential, Weibull, Log-normal, Log-logistic, Generalized Gamma.

The “aft” routine is supposed to be a MATLAB alternative to proc lifereg of SAS, or survreg of R. However the “aft” has less options.


Leonidas Bantis (2025). Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) models (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2010a
Windows macOS Linux
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版本 已发布 发行说明

Just deleted an unnecessary m.file which was forgotten in there. No changes at all.